Posted 3/3/2016 12:36 PM (GMT -5)
I'm a bit confused with some things, maybe you could clarify. You said: "I know Lyme and doxy can both lower WBC, mine correlates well with re-starting the doxy..."
But earlier in that paragraph you said: "My WBC was fine until a month or so «before» I re-started doxy "
Now, I'm herxing slightly and it is hitting my brain some, so maybe I'm just not seeing the obvious, but...
As far as having Lupus, some people with Lyme do develop lupus (or other auto-immune conditions) but many have those conditions clear up when their Lyme heals. I developed psoriasis (2 types) and they stay cleared up as long as I take good care of myself and don't get reinfected (which I managed to do).
Many people with Lyme have a high ANA test result, so I would encourage you to not stop your Lyme treatments too soon. Even if healing your Lyme doesn't clear up the Lupus, Lyme will most certainly make it worse.
As for the testing, it depends on what lab your doctor used. The difference between local labs such as Lapcorp and IgeneX is this:
Local labs make there lyme probes using rabbit antigens from 2 strains of Lyme.
IgeneX uses samples from human lyme patients from all over the United States and Europe and from patients who had early, middle and late stage lyme.
Also, when a western blot is done there is an acidic gel that is used to separate out the bands. Most labs use a 10% gel. IgeneX uses a 12.5% gel so they get better separation of the bands.
Not only that, but we don't recommend retesting because it's all about how the immune function is. Different results should be expected on different days, much more so several months apart. Even though a person isn't healed from Lyme, they can still have a negative test result, especially if they are using a lab that doesn't specialize in testing for these infections.