Posted 3/17/2016 5:45 PM (GMT -5)
So I had a appointment Tuesday with my LLMD.
He told me about some new research using Stevia to combat Lyme.
I have included a article to explain some of the details...
In a nut shell, it is affective against Biofilms and Round body's or Cyst form.
It is a preclinical study.
I started using the Stevia Tuesday night, (5 drops in a glass of water).
Now mind you I already am doing daily infusions of Rocephin through my PICC line.
Within a half hour I had a reaction to the Stevia, I will go out on a limb and say it was a "Herx".
And it was a Doozy! Unfortunately I am very familiar with what a Herx is, so I know how to identify one.
Dose number two last night and even a more violent Herx.
I am cautiously optimistic, but I did want to share!!