Posted 4/1/2016 10:21 AM (GMT -5)
Thank you PeteZa....
Oldfarmer, I'm sure others have more clear explanations than I do - but I find your question intriguing.
Decades ago, I used to be an antibiotic taker (I don't take them anymore). I have always been really "in tune" with my body - may sound corny, but it is just the truth in my case. Anyway, when I had a lung abscess years ago and took antibiotic, I "felt" the heat or pain or what have you in the exact area where my infection was. When I'd take antibiotic for a sinus infection or ear infection, I would feel this same power - heat, pain - from the treatment.
With Buhner herbs (I am treating the big 3 all at once), just like in the old days, when I introduce herbs in a certain protocol, I have a certain cluster of symptoms specific to that illness. For example, my side effect from Houttuynia (Bart) was nothing like the side effect from Alchornea (Babesia) or Cat's Claw (Lyme). For me, herbal medicine heads right to its targets. When I "herx" I get fatigued, run down and a lot of neuro twitches. But the old "feeling" it in a certain area (and keep in mind these areas in me are the ones that have bothered me for decades...sinus, lung, GI tract) remains.
That's just my body - but if I find one thing to be grateful for, it is that I have good communication going on with my body....and am so grateful plant medicine and my body have a working relationship.