Posted 4/1/2016 11:40 PM (GMT -5)
I questioned the vaccines for our son...I would pick and choose which ones I felt were necessary.
If he wasn't getting the vaccine, he didn't go to school that day...I did not want them vaccinating him in error.
In Grade 5 or 6 he was supposed to have one of the Hepatitis vaccinations - the one that you get from IV drug use and sex. (Hep C?) i knew my son wasn't doing any of that...not even he did not get that one. Some mothers gave me the lecture that kids are growing up faster and we don't really know what they're up to.
I did know what he was up to. We were playing leggo in his bedroom, and watching Mr. Bean.
When he was a baby, there wasn't a chicken pox vaccine offered...but as he got older, it was...I refused that one, too.
After our two cats disappeared within 6 months of each other - we only had indoor cats after.
No vaccinations for them, either.