Posted 4/4/2016 2:45 PM (GMT -5)
MD Dr. Minkoff states in his experience the lyme is usually secondary to other health issues that once corrected pt. gets better quickly. Lyme takes advantage of a damaged host. He says 85% of his pts. get better.
Biggest thing he finds wrong with 80% of lyme pts: dental problems. Gingivitis, dead teeth, root canals, cavitations in jawbone. These are major sources of low grade infection and supression for the immune system, tying up the immune system so it can't deal with other infections.
Esp. root canal as they are chronically infected and lots of biofilms in the tooth structure. The germs cultured from the teeth contain lots of biotoxins which inhibit normal cells from making energy among other things.
Cavitations (hollows left from pulled teeth) in the jawbone have been found to be like a dumpsite with bacteria, toxins, heavy metals, chemicals pesticides.
When he gets a chronic lyme pt., if they have dental problems esp. root canal he is happy because likelihood of improvement after fixing the dental problems.
Q: what is your opinion on AB's
A: sometimes ABs can be lifesaving. New tick bite and symptoms, I'd give you ABs. For chronic lyme, I have not found ABs to be helpful at all.
Borellia is most sophisticated known. Bacteria have plasmids (pieces of DNA) average bacteria have between 0 and 3 plasmids. Lyme has 23 plasmids. Plasmids are tools to give the bacteria a way to be resistant to ABs, antibodies, change shape, hide, etc etc.
Lyme has a plasmid that produces a toxin that kill the CD57 lymphocytes.
Secondly to dental issues, intestinal issues are a big problem:
poor digestive enzymes, low hcl acid, bad bacteria & candida which produce biotoxins. Parasites (many lyme people have these). You have to heal up the gut.
Q: what about diet?
A: Recommends paleo and as organic as possible. Don't eat processed food, full of chemicals and chemicals aren't food. Paleo is his diet of choice.
If he has pts. with seizures or a lot of neuro probs he tries a ketogenic diet.
Also give digestive enzymes, hcl acid.
Does test for food allergies and takes them out of the diet.
Enc. 2 weeks on paleo can be hard due to sugar, wheat, gluten cravings but after that it's easier. He says CLEAN OUT YOUR PANTY AND FILL IT WITH GOOD FOOD.
Q: What are some supportive therapies that you feel are valuable for lyme.
A: He looks at pts. blood under a dark field microscope to see what's in there. You can see the germs in there. Also RBC's have an electrical charge, but lyme pts. red cells charge isn't good and not enough electrical charge and the RBCs stack up and stick together like a stack of coins.
He uses a MASMAT which is a mat that uses a low level electrical field which recharges the RBCs and reduces the pain, inflammation, fibro symptoms. Can see change in the RBCs under the microscope after using this mat. This also helps with brain fog.
He like IV therapies with Vit C, B vits, calcium and ozone. Ozone helps restore damage and kills bacteria and rehabilitates the cells. Helps to rehab the mitochondria. Bacteria have no defense against ozone and can't become resistant but our cells aren't hurt by it.
ozone treatment routes:
1. Ozone sauna is fantastic for detox.
2. IV ozone for killing pathogens in the blood
3. sinus problems use ozone in ear
4. parasites use rectal ozone
IV silver:
uses elemental silver made by Argenten (sp?)23. 23ppm of elemental silver. This is the only product that can be used IV. NOT colloidal silver and doesn't recommend colloidal.
Says when he uses silver with ozone within 2-3 weeks he doesn't see the lyme bugs anymore and doesn't pick it up with energetic testing.
Q: How many people diagnosed with other things actually have lyme disease?
A: What we find in almost all the autoimmune and neurodegenerative disease, almost all these people have lyme plus about a dozen other organisms. They have a big infectious load and viral load, too. The pt. doesn't have borellia, they have 4 or 5 other things plus bad teeth and that's why he doesn't get better. Along with nutritional deficiencies. Regular MD's don't look for all these things and that's why they can't help you. You end up with an antidepressant and an immunosuppressant.
Q: What is your opinion on electrodermal screening?
A: You have to look at the autonomic nervous system or you can't treat these people. 1. Disease could be structural and you need a chiropractor for your back or dentist. 2. Disease can be biochemical so you have to look at that also; supplements, toxins etc. 3. It can be autonomic and if your ANS is unhealthy things get out of balance; hypertension, tics, pains.
A doctor has to be able to evaluate this because if he can't he'll get stuck quickly.
(he then talked about 2 of his pts. that he figured out what was wrong by using the autonomic nervous system testing)
That's all on this one!