Posted 4/8/2016 4:14 AM (GMT -5)
I do not have the afore mentioned, vcast, but now that my brain fog has gone and my science brain has well and truly returned, this is something that I am working on putting together for my own sake, but will happily share here if I get it finished, lol!! As a science grad I like things logical and evidence based and since I teach high school I prefer to have it in terms that my students can access.
In the meantime, this is my current response to those who will just refuse to follow the logical scientific findings. I chose to leave the science aside for a moment and instead question why they are saying what they are saying. I have annoyed a few people, lol, much to my joy ;) It goes as follows.........
So let's just examine the basis of your arguements in a logical fashion from your perspective. Firstly, from my understanding of your statements, you are arguing two cases.
Firstly, you argue that 28 days of antibiotics will cure a Lyme infection, regardless of the length of time the person has been infected. OK, so let us for a moment assume that that is, in the face of contradictory scientific evidence, the truth. You argue this based on what you have decided is a lack of evidence regarding the existance of an infection beyond this point. You then however seem to be of the belief that, instead of having a chronic form of a disease (for which you state there is proof of abscence) you would infer that instead 'sufferers' instead have a psychological illness, yes? I have seen arguements for conversion disorder,depression, schizophrenia, munchausen's, hypochondria (yes, that is a recognised psychological disorder) put forward as alternatives.
So, therefore your arguement follows that since you claim that one cannot have Chronic Lyme, given a lack of evidence from a blood test, that instead a person must have a psychological disorder.....for which there is no definitive test, ergo no scientific proof? Now, given that your basis for lack of Chronic Lyme is centered around the arguement of definitive testing, the fact that you would then go one to argue the case for a subjectively diagnosed mental disorder does in fact fly in the face of logic, no?
And, let us not for one moment leave aside you arguement that Lyme Literate doctors are 'quacks', unlike the science of psychology, which, by any scientific definition, is certainly the less evidence and more subjective of the sciences, no? Hmm, why go to one 'quack, when you can go see another?
In addition, if this truly is your opinion and those who simple 'believe' they have Chronic Lyme are infact suffering from a mental disorder, then I challenge your means of addressing that by refering to those people as 'Lyme Loonies'. Is this the way that you address all people that you believe have a mental illness? Do you hang around other pages and support groups stating 'crazy conversion disorderists', 'silly schitzophrenics', 'dizzy depressives, 'mad munchausen's' and 'idiotic OCDs'? Now, it is not that I do not for a moment think that such mental disorders do not exist, but I suspect that the people who are suffering from them would take massive offense to your means of conveying your thoughts in this manner. Yet, for some reson, you think that this is a polite way of a addressing a different group of people who you honestly believe to be mentally ill.
I question why.
In addition, following your CDC based opinions, you would agree that there is such a thing as Post Lyme Disease Syndrome? Therefore, you are of the opinion that after a 28 day course of antibiotics it is indeed possible for people to have residual 'symptoms'. Correct? But that to your mind, these people should be offered no further treatment of any sort and be left to suffer? And should these symptoms not resolve, or infact as is the norm, worsen over time, then you simply group these people together and refer to your assertation that, as I discussed in the afore mentioned paragraphs, they are infact suffering an alternative mental illness?
So, given your, what I can only determine from a scientific perspective, to be circular logic, your ability to hold your views as unwaveringly valid even in the face of contradictory scientific findings, and what can only be considered a complete lack of empathy towards people suffering, regardless of the causal agent (bacterialogical or psychological), I can only conclude that you yourself would be of great interest to the psychologists and psychiatrists, since these traits are, albeit subjectively, demonstrative of sociopathic, narsasitic or schizophrenic traits, that warrant further investigation. Hey, good could be a loony too?!?