Revive said...
Tooty, I know of 2 people who had those and the one has been completely symptom free for 3 yrs and the other one is yrs into the protocol and has totally regained her life, she was having seizures and was bed ridden. Activate your email here and we can talk or email me, please.
I know of another that has been completely healed since 2006 with BVT.
Thanks Revive, I appreciate the feedback. I am considering setting up my email. But, right now I have hit some turbulence and don't feel well enough to give an update or really engage in conversation. In short, I think I may have hit a herx. Everything hurts, and it feels like I am coming down with strep throat without the sore throat and without a fever.... my body is too weak to produce one. I have been walking around and pacing much of the day because it hurts too much to sit with all this inflammation. My groin and lower back feel the worst. (Today was a sting day. It was two stings, and I have already returned to the original protocol of every other day stings. So, I don't think I am overdoing it).
So, I stand slightly corrected on the definition of a herx... (at least I hope it's a herx)
Herx type #2: In addition to overwhelming tiredness, the body is buffeted with aches, pains, and inflammation....and a fever if strong enough to produce one. I'm a veteran lyme patient, this should have sunk in by now. Except that I have had bad experiences before when the herx was more than just overwhelming tiredness and fatigue. It's very hard to tell what is happening sometimes.....
In my last post I forgot to list bee venom's activity against biofilm. So, I hope I'm not releasing things like previous "herxes," because I need to have enough artillery to kill whatever is coming out....or I'm toast. But this doesn't quite feel like those experiences. I believe tomorrow will be a better day.
Sorry, this was a reply and somewhat an update (as much as I could muster). But, the update should technically be on my thread. I didn't mean to hijack your thread, Revive. I will try to keep any more updates on my thread. Just feeling so crappy.