Posted 4/14/2016 2:16 PM (GMT -5)
My opinion on it is that some people just don't listen, even when they're listening. What I mean is that they don't hear you.
That's the worst, because this person is typically a close friend, spouse, or family member, which makes their misunderstanding, not having the proper perspective, all the more hurtful.
I mean, you expect a stranger, or maybe even an acquaintance, to be fake about it, or entirely dismissive, but not someone you care about, someone who supposedly cares about you.
Though, it happens, strangely, I might add. I say strangely, because all the while they're talking of how much they love and care for you.
What I have found is that a person may care enough to hear your word, but not disregard their own enough to simply put their trust in you, and just take it as fact, because you are the one living it. Yeah, these illnesses affect the whole unit, but you and your conditions are the stem of it all.
My first thought when I read the title of this post was "sometimes, there is no explaining it." I have gotten into so many conversations over this crap that have ended terribly, shouts, screams, and tears, neither side really able to claim a victory, with no real, lasting resolutions made.
After years of it, only one person in my family KIND OF gets it, the rest think I am full of it and/or crazy and/or simply do not give a darn. One person cares enough to have SOME understanding, but even that is not enough for her to really understand. She still hurts me, downplaying my illness, doubting, etc.
I basically came to the conclusion that if a person doesn't care enough to hear you out, say OK, I believe you, and let that be it, then they really don't care about you.
You're either with me, or against me. There is no in between, as far as this is concerned. I am too sick to play debate, too sick to educate you, let alone myself.
All that said, I don't know what you should do. Try to get him to understand, but it should not be some long, drawn out conflict that spans the course of months. The guy either gets with the program, or he doesn't.
Screw a degree in biology, screw being a doctor, or whatever. Live my life, then talk to me.