Posted 4/15/2016 8:41 AM (GMT -5)
Hi Cheetahjade - The little symptoms were what I call electrical shock sensations in my feet and sometimes they make my leg jerk. I've also noticed a slightly crusty nose, which means it has a really slow drip and also that I've been carrying a tissue in my pocket lately. That was a symptom that did go away with my first time around. I've had a weird feeling in my left eye for over two years that is now starting to feel better now that I've started treatment. And I was obsessively picking my face, which I just noticed this morning that I haven't been doing. Those were the "little" things. I also had two major brain malfunctions in the past year that were pretty scary to me... I couldn't remember how to get to my son's school and on a separate occasion, I couldn't remember how to get home from the grocery store. So I've been using my waze app everywhere I go because I was afraid of the confusion. I don't know why I didn't believe it was the Lyme and instead assumed it was something really bad with my brain, but I was too afraid to get checked out.
What you are experiencing in your second paragraph is what happened to me last week. I had abdominal pain, a weak right arm, a weak right leg and off sensations on my left side starting right under my breast down to my foot. My LLMD did tell me that touching my skin and feeling like I'm bruised is a lyme symptom, not MS. He also said joint pain is Lyme.
MS... There are three of us in my teenage crowd that were diagnosed with MS. It seems statistically high. We all hung out in the woods to drink beer and party. I told both of them that I was diagnosed with Lyme and that maybe they should see an LLMD, but it seems that people often want to stick with the diagnosis they receive. I was initially told MS, but I researched and pursued Lyme and was remarkably better after just a couple of weeks of IV antibiotics. MS always comes up. Even though I told the MRI people that I have been treated for Lyme... they referenced MS with statements such as "lesion on the brain are consistent with MS" in the report. When I went to the ER last week (LLMD told me to just to rule out stroke, but felt it wasn't since both sides impacted), I told the ER doctor I have Lyme and I'm not clinically diagnosed, but it was found in my spinal fluid, she told me to revisit MS.
Good luck to you and let us know what answers you get from the LLMD. Also, try to make a list of everything, no matter how insignificant it may seem. My left ankle would swell for no apparent reason, I had low grade fevers, sore throats and a drippy nose for years. I just learned to live with the small things. But when I went numb on the left side of my body 7 years ago, that was too small to ignore.