Posted 4/20/2016 11:02 PM (GMT -5)
There are lots of videos and websites on the Double Helix Water, check them out. I will be the first to admit to you that this stuff sounded very suspicious to me...but I was interested in it and followed my leery instincts to try it. I ordered it off of Amazon and took it the first night as soon as it arrived. Let me tell you something....the next morning I woke up I felt amazing. It literally takes me up to two hours every morning to become human. I am a walking, bumbling, confused, hurting and extremely painful blob until then. I have to do the exact same morning routine every morning because it's locked into muscle memory so that I know what to do when, which meds and supplements to take when, how to make my breakfast, etc. It would be laughable if it weren't so sad.
I woke up that first morning WITH A CLEAR fumbling, no mind you, I still had my morning pains and aches and it took a bit to get the bod moving, but my mind was clear! Wow! For the first time in probably two or more years, I could walk to the kitchen with purpose and intent! That to me was amazing! I made breakfast without putting anything back where it didn't belong! Amazing!
I've noticed that my blood sugar drops are quickly remedied by the DHW - usually it would take me about 2 hours to recover from one of those incidents but if I take a glass of the DHW when I am eating my food to combat the low blood sugar, it's only about 30-45 minutes for me to get my body back.
Within a month of starting the water, I was able to start walking my dogs again...which I had not been able to do in about 18 months due to muscle weakness/fatigue. Now, mind you I'm not up to my full speed or distance, but am getting there.
I don't know if this would help anyone else or not, but it sure helped me. Follow your gut, even when it sounds crazy, you know? I do believe that us Lymie's have a secret power to eventually find the remedies that can help.
Take care!