Hi dmw52,
I didn't go to Hansa as I healed using Dr. Jernigan's protocol from his book. I had joint problems, lost the use of my legs (I needed crutches to get around), etc. before I started Jernigan's protocol. It's been over 10 years that I remain totally well! So please don't lose hope okay?
Anyway, I do know many who did go to Hansa and they have their lives back. Did you read about
Gary aka GWB and his wife Daisy? There is also Nan777, Heathersdad daughter, and so many more that are doing great. If you want links to their stories I can provide them for you.
I always suggest to people who are thinking of going to Hansa to first read Dr. Jernigan's book "Beating Lyme Disease".. Fascinating book and has so much information.
There are also free video's you can watch to learn what Hansa does:
hansacenter.com/category/lectures/Dr. Jernigan does not believe a person should suffer while trying to get better (minimal herxing, etc.) and if you do decide to go the doctors there will tailor a protocol for you since everyone is different. I guess I was just plain lucky that his Healing at Home protocol worked for me.
One of the reasons I decided on Dr. J's botanicals was because he grows his own botanicals and then tests them unlike the bottled tinctures one buys online (who knows how and where they are really made?)... Yes, I question everything because I have a very curious mind.
I also let people know that when they return home if they don't continue to detox, eat healthy, address emotional problems, stress, etc. then their chances of healing are not that great. Even though I have been healed for all these years I still continue to detox (detox baths, dry skin brushing, liver/gallbladder cleanses, coffee enemas, etc.) because I believe we live in a toxic world.
If you have any questions please e-mail me okay?
I hope this helps and I wish you the best!