Posted 4/22/2016 1:21 PM (GMT -5)
My LLMD has suggested the following.
It's related to restricted blood flow in both the hands and the feet, and then it turns a bit red. Don't forget they are the extremities of the body.
He has recommended me to take lumbrokinase to help thin the blood. He says take 20 mg BID, but I take 40 mg BID.
Also he recommended Gingko Biloba I think it was 40 mg BID. This is to make the red blood cells more fluid and flexible, but also increases blood flow. I was on the gingko for awhile and I didn't have that, but then I got lazy and stopped taking it. I still take the lumbrokinase.
Bart causes cardiovascular endothelial cell swelling, the swelling restricts blood flow, in addition to that some endothelial tissue may become damaged and thus fibrin deposits form, almost like small cuts to the cardiovascular system. This further restricts blood flow. The lumbrokinase helps dissolve away the fibrin, thins the blood. Sometimes bart hides underneath these firbin deposits as well.