What is your worst lyme symptom?
Fatigue - 17.9% - 5 votes
Brain fog - 10.7% - 3 votes
Joint/muscle pain - 14.3% - 4 votes
Nerve pain or Tingling numbness - 28.6% - 8 votes
Anxiety/depression - 17.9% - 5 votes
Headaches/migraines - 10.7% - 3 votes
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Posted 4/27/2016 1:45 PM (GMT -5)
If your symptom is not included in the poll feel free to list it on the comments.
Thanks :)
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Posted 4/27/2016 1:53 PM (GMT -5)
even with over 3 dozen specific sx including pain and being unable to walk, trouble with every meal I ate every day, sleeping 2 hrs max a night for months on end...
the absolutely worst sx I have had were psych-neuro related that flared once I started treating lyme w/ IV abx. The drugs were crossing the blood/brain barrier and I could not keep up with the required detox. I felt crazy, out of control, anxious, fearful, morose, panicked, the cognitive problems kept me from being able to maintain my protocol or understand what I was doing or communicating effectively with anyone about anything. I was an absolute wreck. Took about a month for the herx to calm down.
I've had lyme & co for 18+ years and through it all, all of the unbelievable sx that people really don't believe you could have... losing your faculties was by far the worst. I can often meditate through pain but losing the ability to process thought or control your emotions was a deal-breaker for me.
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Posted 4/27/2016 2:07 PM (GMT -5)
Now it's the burning/gnawing nerve pain.
The anxiety/depression I had early on that has now subsided runs a close second. (or maybe it's a tie)
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Posted 4/27/2016 2:19 PM (GMT -5)
The depression was by far the worst, and the term 'depression' barley begins to capture it. Of all my symptoms it was the quickest to come and go. But I remember going to bed some nights hoping to not wake up in the morning. It made me go a little crazy and it really scared me. I was in a dark, dark place. Joint pain comes second because I'm still dealing with that a year after infection.
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Posted 4/27/2016 4:35 PM (GMT -5)
The scariest symptoms for me are the chest pains and air hunger; the most painful are the Migrains.
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Posted 4/27/2016 5:49 PM (GMT -5)
Head pain was the worse. All the other weird and painful things were nothing compared to the head pain.
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Posted 4/27/2016 6:09 PM (GMT -5)
Same as Pirouette. Then it is a tie between anxiety/panic attacks and constant air hungar.
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Posted 4/27/2016 7:13 PM (GMT -5)
definitely nerve pain and numbness. I had muscle and joint pain too, but the nerve pain was much harder to tolerate.
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Posted 4/27/2016 9:44 PM (GMT -5)
Head pain, brain fog, cognitive impairment
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Posted 4/27/2016 10:01 PM (GMT -5)
Balance issues and fatigue for me
Posted 4/27/2016 10:06 PM (GMT -5)
Nerve pain and weird sensations and elevated fight or flight symptoms, could be attributed to anxiety but it's more the physical sensations rather than psychological. Blurred Vision and mental fatigue. One minute I'm up and happy, the next I'm drained of all energy. Just walking up the stairs is hard.
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Posted 4/28/2016 12:14 AM (GMT -5)
Pirouette hit it ...plus muscle wasting , searing joint pain..eye socket pain and twitching, vertigo is not fun.
Posted 4/28/2016 8:46 AM (GMT -5)
Right now, it's seizures for me. A few months ago, it would have been a toss up between anxiety/depression and headaches/head pressure.
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Posted 4/28/2016 9:03 AM (GMT -5)
wow! a great question, and somewhat complicated one as well.....a variety of symptoms since Sept. 2013, but the worst (before correct diagnosis and treatment) had to be the indescribable head sensation along with constant dizziness/light headedness. To a lesser extent, the visual and audio disturbances along with chest pains and heart palpitations and fear and anxieties. As of now, it's the dizziness/lightheadedness (not as intense) and constant 'floating' sensation. To a lesser extent, it's the dry mouth, sensation of not being able to swallow sometimes, and slight anxieties. I've had the really bad headaches and some muscle spasms but for me, I think the worse symptoms have greatly diminished, and now I'm left with a lot of dizziness everyday and some sensations of hypoglycemic episodes where I feel I haven't eaten anything and am going to pass out. This has been a scary and debilitating disease for sure, and without a doubt the absolute worst disease I've ever experienced. I'm off my herbal supplements this week to see if that could be causing some of my strange sensations, but right now the only med I'm on is minocycline.
Posted 4/28/2016 10:07 AM (GMT -5)
stomach pain, 24/7, especially when I eat
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Posted 4/28/2016 10:58 AM (GMT -5)
Yup, Ditto again what Pirouette mentioned....ughhh cant take the extreme mental flares/herxes..
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Posted 4/28/2016 8:56 PM (GMT -5)
I don't really know, because of the real possibility I've been infected for nearly 30 years since my first major encounter with ticks, I went from a healthy as a horse person to having so many horrible things going on health wise virtually over-night, I've still not sorted out what is tick disease related and what hasn't.
And some of the initial main problems like debilitating muscle spasms that were focused in my chest (the worst problem in the beginning) aren't as common now. Now it's a tie between the lack of lung power making me short of breath all the time and the headaches I have nearly every day. Sometimes so bad I think I'm going to throw up, like my head is going to explode like a compressed pimple any moment, and the brain confusion. Example, not being able to think of the right word just now and being left with just being able to say "pimple". Sorry
The hard thing for all of us, I'm sure, is making people in our lives understand what this is doing to us.
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Posted 4/28/2016 9:50 PM (GMT -5)
Thank you everyone for your replies. Lyme is such a mixed bag of symptoms. :( so sorry all you good people are going through this. I'm sorry I am too. Sigh!!!!
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Posted 4/29/2016 5:48 AM (GMT -5)
I felt pretty good after the IV Rocephin. 1 month later I am back to where I started (maybe worse) with the head pain. LLMD has taken me off the Tinadazole to see if that helps.
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Posted 4/29/2016 10:54 AM (GMT -5)
I think my sister would say her worst symptom is the never-ending noise in her ear and neck. She has sometimes said that the noise is so loud that it's hard for her to hear the television. Next horrible symptom would be all of the vibrations and pounding sensations. She gets very upset (almost crying) when she gets pounding and bouncing sensations, especially down her back and in her neck, which apparently feel like someone is hitting her. The symptoms that bothers her the least is the "popping" (feels like tapping) on the bottoms of her feet, but she gets a bit freaked out when she feels the popping on her stomach.