My LLND wants me to start on LDI, more to help get my mast cell issue to calm down than anything else. I have my first dose here, but its just sitting in the fridge. Right now, I'm in the process of getting back up to my full dose of alchornea. I ran out in January, and the tincture I bought was I've been off it. I have been herxing quite a bit, but its fairly tolerable.
I have to be extremely careful about
detoxing, since it can bring on an anaphylactic like reaction. I can take daily liver and kidney support herbs, plus methylation support supplements. I also drink a lot of water w/ ACV and lemon juice. Eat a clean, mostly organic diet. Take chlorella. Drink filtered water. I can take 2 capsules of activated charcoal, but then I have to wait a week before drinking detox tea. Detox baths are out completely...I had a very severe mast cell episode after the last one I took. So I'm kinda afraid to start up with those again.
Should I wait until I'm up to my full dose of alchornea before starting the LDI, or does it not matter? I wasn't told to stop anything I'm on...just to take the first dose of LDI and monitor how I feel after.
Some basic info about
the mast cell issue and how it relates to Lyme