Posted 5/4/2016 10:54 AM (GMT -5)
Dear lvg123,
So sorry you're feeling so terrible. It's interesting that you've lived with Babesia for 10 years, then suddenly developed the air hunger after the birth of your child. Lots of people have similar stories about their tick borne diseases flaring after tramatic events such as the birth of a child, a car accident, a divorce, or a death in the family. For sure it involves the immune system.
Glad you are on treatment, and glad you are getting tested for Lyme and other co-infections. You're seeing a good LLMD, right? I'm assuming you are since you are on Mepron and zith, and are being tested at Igenex.
Don't stop treatment until you are symptom free for 3 months. That might mean a year or more of treatment. You can stop for a few days to a week if your symptoms get really bad, but get back on when you can.
Are you pulsing the mepron 3 weeks on and 1 week off (staying on zith the entire time)? That's how my doctor has me take it. I think the week long mepron break gives the body a break. Curious if anyone else does it that way.
I am also on Mepron and zith, but only taking 1 tsp twice a day.
You are off to a really good start!! It takes time to see a difference with Babesia. My daughter has/had it too and after her first dose of Malarone (=mepron+proguanil), got really bad plugged up ears. I've never heard of anyone else saying that. My son has/had it too. Neither of them are currently on anything, and my daughter has been home sick for 3 days now with a stomach and headache, and achey hips, and my son is tired all the time. Yikes.
Good luck, and fyi, there is a facebook group called Babesia buddies, if you are into facebook. Bee venom therapy is another option some people are using with success for Babesia. But, if I were you, I'd give the Mepron and Zith a chance.