Hi Duckums - welcome to our community!
Even though you had a negative test result - if you had one positive band that is Lyme specific...along with symptoms consistent with Lyme Disease - that is sufficient to diagnose you with Lyme. The bulls-eye rash is Lyme Disease.
Would you be interested in posting what band was positive on your Western Blot?
I also want to mention that the testing is not good for Lyme Disease diagnosis...but the best test to get in the U.S. is from Igenex Lab. You can get the Western Blot IgM and IgG for $210. You can call Igenex and order a test kit...get a Dr. to sign the lab req...and take to a lab for the blood draw.
I am not surprised that you haven't been diagnosed - many of us get the runaround - Doctor, after Doctor...until we start researching ourselves...or find a forum like this...and realize ourselves that it might be Lyme Disease.
You should find a LLMD and schedule an appointment. To get recommendations from forum members, start a new thread titled: "Looking for LLND in Louisiana" (You could also mention the nearest large city)
Also, you can contact the ILADS Physician Referral - they will send you three names of LLMD's near you:
ilads.org/ilads_media/physician-referral/Since you are new here, it would be helpful for you to take a look at the thread at the top of the page titled: "New to Lyme?..Start Here!" Lots of great information in that thread.
Oh - you will see I edited your post - just to give your thread a title.