bluelyme said...
i thank trav ...saying what we are thinking ...hw should make a ode to you warrioress of hope and bouncing baby goats.
Thank you, Bluelyme! You just gave me quite the giggle this morning!!
Maybe I could just be awarded a bouncing baby goat???
and thank you for your kind words. They are very much appreciated.
I'm with Orchid_rain - the whole "he said, she said" doesn't work for me, which is why I earned the nick name of "Queen of links" - which I don't mind either. I like to link to where I've read it. If it's not good enough evidence for someone, I understand, but at least they know that (a)it's not my opinion, and (b)where to read it for themselves and decide.
I am likely one of the biggest skeptics of doctors any more. I don't care what type of medicine they practice, there's actually only one doc that I came away from feeling much more healed, and that was a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner! She was a hippie 'back in the day', and took such good care of me, and put my health goals above her own personal goals. I healed a set of 40 yr old tick infections in just 2 years.
I have had to adopt that attitude to survive. There is not one single doctor (other than the one I just mentioned) that I have seen in my entire adult life (I'm 53 in a few weeks) that has not tried to take advantage of me in one way or another. I've thanked those that were up front with me (a total of 2) when they told me politely that they would not dig deep into any condition in the first appt, but they would help treat a few symptoms. Of course, that's not what I'm looking for.
We need a partnership with our health care practitioners. It doesn't matter what hat (title) they wear, whatever works for each is fine. What matters is, are they in it for the money? Or do they really have concerns for helping people.
My last doc took me a while to realize that she was in it for the money. The clencher? When I wasn't continuing to progress in my healing, yet she refused to adjust my thyroid and adrenal meds (a recent rant of mine on here!). She would have rather to have me as a much longer term patient, but quite honestly, when I
'found' her after much searching and wading through those docs that just wanted to remove my thyroid (for hypothyroidism???), I was much too sick to figure it out on my own. So, while she did likely save me from the hands of those that would have just loaded me up with steroids (in the hospital), she ultimately didn't deserve to have patients, since she was collecting them like precious toys and things she didn't want to let go.
I just recently found myself back in treatment for Bartonella, and I'll tell ya, I herxed. It was a flare of Bart symptoms, sure, but isn't that what happens with Lyme? Call it what you want, it talks like a herx, walks like a herx and I know it's not pleasant!
LymePickle - I think it was you that started that discussion last time about
Bart herxes - right? You are the reason!! Ha ha ha! You really are the reason that I even realized that someone was saying it's not a "true" herx, and we all decided that it didn't matter if it was considered a 'true' herx or not, we were herxing! ...if I remember correctly.