Hi Justin!
I did the 23andme testing a few years ago. The information the website compiles for you is interesting - particularly the opportunity provided to link up with family members from across the world (which I did not do - I have enough on my plate right now).
But I have had a completely different experience than project - so I will address the following to you both.
The data provided by 23andme is unusable (it's around 200000+ DNA codes - pages and pages and pages of codes in a text file) - you need to have it interpreted by an outside source (this is because 23andme is not set up to actually interpret the data into useful information) and someone tried or was able to file suit against them for communicating "unscientific" interpretations of DNA mutations. They got out of that business fast and just stopped interpreting it other than VERY vague generalities about
eye color, etc. It's interesting but in no way useful for us.
You need to share the data with an outside source - there are a few AWESOME research-based sites that you can use that will take your data text file and give you a list of DNA mutations. There are a few sites that focus entirely on detoxing and methylation (Amy Yasko is an autism expert and does just that - it's narrow but GOOD info although she sells products and some see this as a little self-interested - many parents owe their child's recover to her and would buy her products all over again). And usually, along with these interpretations you'll also get information about
how to supplement.
One site I HIGHLY recommend is livewello.com - I think it used to cost $50 for an interpretation, I think now there is a $35 option. It is an endless source of information - almost overwhelming. Researchers and learning universities create "programs" that they post for you to run your data through (make no mistake, they are also using your results to inform their research, although it's stated it is completely anonymous).
Livewello has various categories that you can investigate in addition to detoxing, methylation - also heart health, digestion, brain function, muscle/bone structure - I forget all the categories. I ran my data through over 200 programs and finally stopped because I just couldn't do anything with all that info.
I can share more if you like - please do the 23andme.com and also - if your LLMD or ND has trouble getting you to respond to the specific supplements, keep looking for more information - it's out there.
Regarding the "over extrapolating" perspective--rather than overindulging or reading too much into DNA information, I think what is really happening is that there is SO MUCH to learn about
it, we're not always getting the full picture. I think a lot of people have huge success with simple detox/methylation supplementation. For others (like me) there is much more going on and it just takes deeper investigation. Until I can dig that deep, it's still very helpful to know which categories I likely have issues with--helps to target my focus and know where experimentation might also be informative.
ETA: For instance -- I have gut issues; since 70% of our immune system IS our guts, and lyme & co treatment tis reliant upon a functioning immune system it became imperative that I heal my gut to a large extent before starting significant lyme & co treatment in order for it to be effective (we are ingesting most of our treatment).
Plus, it's known that bacteria can manipulate DNA so each person can have such a unique landscape.
Post Edited (Pirouette) : 5/26/2016 3:21:42 PM (GMT-6)