multifacetedme said...
For myself, the weight loss, I figured, I just shed an old me - I choose to put on new flesh/blood/fat/bones more mindfully. Walk in gratitude and grace and be mindful to the best of my ability of what I eat. I am paleo as a base and depart from this in celebration settings, and recently, when at an artist residency and in a group setting and some really naughty splurging. Back to basics. Interesting though, I think being in a "normal" setting helped trigger my appetite back. I would check your BMI. As long as you aren't under "Normal" - just focus on nutrition to restore damage done by the infection and whatever path helps bring balance with regard to how much of the bacteria is hanging out in your system. At this point - I don't think we ever TOTALLY get rid of every spirochete - but perhaps we do.
Multi... I checked my BMI last month and it had me underweight and needing to gain at least 7 lbs.
As of last week, I have gained about
5 lbs so the smartbmi website states the below.
Health aspects
Your weight is at a lower level; in our view, it may be less than optimal for your health. By classification of the WHO, you are "normalweight".
Your low body mass will not be a problem for your health provided you are getting sufficient amounts of vital substances such as protein, minerals, vitamins and essential fats. A low but stable weight may be fine, but an unintended weight loss could be a sign of poor health.
Weight stability
Do not lose any weight. A small gain in weight could be beneficial, preferably by building up muscle mass.
Weight management
With a weight gain of 7 pounds up to a target weight of 123 pounds, your health would benefit.
Eat a variety of foods that you like, optimally including five servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Avoid eating too sweet, too fat and too much.
Physical activity
Do physical exercise at least for half an hour daily at moderate to vigorous intensity.
Your Smart Body Mass Index
This calculation is based on the newly developed Smart Body Mass Index (SBMI). Its ideal range is between 30/70 and 40/70.
Your SBMI is 24/70 or "24 points out of 70".
I eat healthy (pretty much 90% paleo) and all organic. Hopefully as I continue to treat and heal my gut, my health will continue to prosper and weight will be ideal.