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Bringing in flowers from the outdoors-yes or no?
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Regular Member
Joined : Dec 2015
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Posted 6/10/2016 8:59 PM (GMT -5)
I just can't. And won't.
I inspect flowers (slyly!) at others homes it scares me so much.
Will you bring flowers in from the yard or garden?
We have gotten bites recently from standing in cut grass at the park, sitting on our front porch, playing on a playground. I believe they are in bushes, trees, grass, flowers 😥
Am I being overly paranoid?
Forum Moderator
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Posted 6/10/2016 9:12 PM (GMT -5)
No, you're not. If that gives you peace of mind....
I still go out in my back yard, and sit on the deck. I just check myself when I get in. I also spray my feet and legs with my essential oil tick repellent.
I am concerned - but I love being outside on sunny days and I'm not going to give that up.
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Posted 6/10/2016 9:23 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks, Girlie.
I am struggling terribly with my anxiety and paranoia. Compliments of Lyme and co!
We do go outside. I've got 3 young adorable boys who need fresh air and to run around. And, while the sun feels good...I don't enjoy being out anywhere anymore. It's not even just woodsy places I have to's our own yard and local parks...
And those flowers people bring into their home 😜
I even think about
ticks as I walk to my home or in a parking lot.
Veteran Member
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Posted 6/10/2016 9:41 PM (GMT -5)
I am not so paranoid of the outdoors because I prepare myself.
What I am very nervous about
is other people's pets. I can't help wonder what tick is hitchhiking on them. I know people must think I hate animals. I don't, but I am paranoid.
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Posted 6/10/2016 9:51 PM (GMT -5)
My cats are indoor only cats. So, I don't have to worry about
them bringing them in.
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Posted 6/10/2016 10:03 PM (GMT -5)
Girlie said...
My cats are indoor only cats. So, I don't have to worry about
them bringing them in.
Awww, I would pet your kitties!
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Posted 6/10/2016 11:36 PM (GMT -5)
Actually there's only one kitty now.
It's nice to have pets that don't have any fleas. The fleas used to always jump onto me. (When we used to have cats that went outdoors)
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Posted 6/11/2016 6:09 AM (GMT -5)
I know Peetza, I worry about
pets too. Everyones got cats it seems. And, maybe a coincidence, but I got bit (bug bite with bullseye, no tick or bite that looked like a tick bite) around the time my in laws dog had fleas...we have ticks in our yards here, and the dog was a hunting dog...I've always wondered...I don't think it adds up timewise with being around the dog and the bite, but I'm still aware of the fact the dog had fleas, and I got Lyme around the same time.
I hate when dogs lick me or my kids...and my kids love to have their faces licked by dogs. I just think all animals in our area have Lyme! Two of my friends dogs were just diagnosed.
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Posted 6/11/2016 1:04 PM (GMT -5)
On the other side of the coin - I refuse to allow Lyme to control me any more than it already has. I prepare myself, treat my yard and animals and watch my grandkids closely as they love to play outdoors (when they are up here anyway).
I still garden, do yard work and even bring in flowers - but they are all either treated or inspected closely. I use astragalus now that I'm healed from Lyme to help prevent any reinfection and it seems to have worked so far. I've used it for about
a year and a half now. What I haven't found out yet is if astragalus is enough to keep me safe from Bart and Babs and the other tick-borne infections as well.
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Posted 6/11/2016 1:14 PM (GMT -5)
The thing is - we could be avoiding our backyards....not petting any animals...and STiLL get a tick on us..just by walking down the sidewalk to our car.
I do the best I can - spray my myself with my essential oil tick repellent....check myself when i get back into the house...and hope for the best.
I think I will be more worried once I am healed. Now, I am treating, so hopefully no new bacteria will survive the antibiotics I'm ingesting.
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Posted 6/11/2016 3:32 PM (GMT -5)
That's exactly how I got reinfected. I was in town grocery shopping and picked up a tick. It attached under my bra (in the front!!!!) and I couldn't get to it fast enough because of a line for the women's bathroom!! To say I was a little upset when I realized that I was reinfected is a bit of an understatement! I was in town, dang it!!
And, I've talked with people that have never left a 'big city', like LA or NYC, didn't own pets nor were they around other people's pets and they were infected. So avoidance of areas and certain situations just isn't enough. It might have been previously, but these infections are too wide spread and a person can be infected by many more insects than ticks. Mosquitoes and other insects now carry these infections.
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Posted 6/11/2016 5:20 PM (GMT -5)
I have brought flowers in every other year, but this year I have gotten too paranoid to do it. Seems I am getting more cautious (or paranoid) all the time. I still garden a tiny bit when I can manage, but I am extremely careful about
putting my clothes in the dryer, etc.
Girlie - what is the essential oil tick repellant you are using? Does it repel mosquitoes too?
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Posted 6/11/2016 6:25 PM (GMT -5)
Summersun - It's one I make myself.
1 Tbsp witch hazel
40 drops essential oil
1/3 cup distilled water (I just boiled water and let it cool)
The witch hazel is because the oil doesn't mix with water.
I wanted to use Rose Geranium...but could only find geranium, so I added lavender and eucalyptus in case the regular geranium doesn't work.
You can use citronella, tea tree, cinnamon, as well...(there are more..just ones I remember)
I don't know yet if it works on mosquitoes. I started using it last spring...and haven't had a mosquito bite...but I haven't been out in the back yard when the mosquitoes are bad.
But, I did go for a walk on a trail in the woods and didn't get any bites of any kind on me.
Mister Mike
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Posted 6/11/2016 7:55 PM (GMT -5)
I totally get those who can't do it, but I just can't allow this stuff to take THAT away from me as well. I love plants and nature waaaaay too much. So, I am careful and check myself frequently and then go smell the roses until I'm silly (technically that doesn't take too long ;)
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Posted 6/13/2016 5:39 AM (GMT -5)
Thanks Girlie!
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