jennydancingfish said...
No problem its in Buhners mycoplasma and bart book!!! One of the ending chapters he talks about what mycoplasma and bartonella are like when they are together and explains that they cause VERY severe psychiatric issues like suicidality, rage, violence, personality changes, etc. He says that it can take up to two years of rigorous treatment to clear them up but that with time as the infection clears you will slowly but surely see all these psych symptoms disappear.
I really recommend RMTC that you look at buhner's mycoplasma and bartonella book. He describes psych issues VERY well in it. I cried when I read what happens to the brain with mycoplasma and bart there are so many things that go wrong in the brain it gets so sick.
Buhners book was so comforting because it made me more sympathetic to my sister and assured me her behavior was temporary. Before being diagnosed with lyme my sister was very volatile, verbally abusive, destroying all her personal relationships, angry, tempestous, suicidal, depressed, and horrid to her family. Once we started treating her with LOTS of compassion and validating her feelings and telling her that she is strong and brave she started to warm up a little, but what helped the MOST was her antibiotic combo of azrithomycin, tinidazole, rifampin, and biofilm buster with buhner herbs. I would say in 3-4 months her anger and other abusive behavior have decreased by 75%. Its amazing to see. I also think she has complex ptsd from so much medical trauma but that can be addressed with therapy once the infections are resolved. Right Before she was diagnosed with Lyme she was labeled as borderline and we were looking into residential psych centers too.
I really feel that the girl you are seeing now is NOT your real daughter this is your daughter with brain infections. Don't give up clear these infections!!
Thank you!! I can see that there's another Buhner book I just have to have!!