Posted 8/2/2016 5:02 PM (GMT -5)
k07, my main symptoms are extreme fatigue, headaches, weight loss, hand tremors, blurred vision, back and neck pain, joint pain, the list goes on and on.
Lymie Girl and Girlie, I am on Omnicef, Rifabutin and Minocycline, 3 days a week 2weeks on one week off, this is after 6 weeks of these 3 abx M-F. I actually felt a little better the first week off after the 6 week protocol, I took another week off and was pretty sick again that week. Now the days I am off abx I am worse than the days on and the week off I am just completely miserable.
I do have an MTHFR mutation and some other detox mutations. I can not tolerate epson salt baths and can only do luke warm mag citrate foot baths and light dry brushing. I work with an ND and nutritionist to use my diet to help me detox, I had to cut out a lot of detox supplements and cruciferous vegetables as they were only adding to my problems. The best way for me to detox is IV Glutithione, but I am not usually well enough to make the 1 1/2 hour drive to get them.
I see Dr J himself next week, the PA I was seeing at his office said my case is too complicated for her and I need to see Dr J to try to help me sort this all out. The big problem I have with seeing Dr J is my disability insurance does not find him to be a credible doctor because of his past problems in NC, and despite my positive test results they cant figure out that Brucella is bacterial not viral and that IgM is an active infection. They keep trying to tell me that my Brucella IgM pos is like if I had chicken pox as a kid, I will always show up IgM pos for it??? They completely ignore my pos RMSF and Lyme.