Posted 8/27/2016 12:02 PM (GMT -5)
Okay, so as some of you my have read, I have gone 3.5 years trying various non abx treatments and am still very sick. Tonight I am set to start on rifampin. I am truly terrified after reading the side effects/risks which include anphalactic shock, permanent liver damage and death!!! Oy...I was already poisoned by levaquin 4 years ago and swore I would never take another antibiotic. On the other hand, I am at a standstill here and my newest dr is insisting that this is the way to go.
For those of you that have or are taking this drug, please tell me that I will be okay. My lyme PTSD is really pulling me away from wanting to do this.
Also, I am still working full time,.. Huge huge struggle every day especially due to the intense anxiety/panic attacks. Realistically, am I going to be able to work while on this drug? I have a long commute, etc..,