evianangel said...
I only did a week of a candida cleanse.
What i had been doing for detox (I have taken a break because I have been feeling so awful) except I still drink the tea.
Lemons water in the morning
Dry brush Epsom bath twice a week
Castor oil pack 2-3 x a week
I drink a detox tea everyday
Spinuralla and chorellea pills
Lots of water
Drinking a green smoothie in the morning for breakfast
I think you need to do more on a regular basis (daily, or almost daily) I see you're dry brushing, epsom baths are only twice a week. Castor oil packs - 2-3X a week.
I would try and dry brush daily...if you can't have a daily bath, just dry brush before your showers.
and...as Traveler said - add in a binder to take each night.