LindaLew- I have written quite a few posts about
Myofascial, and trigger point release. Here is one: have to be very aggressive with it. More than most need. But when people say it doesnt work, its usually because they weren't aggressive enough. Its not for weenies. But if your already in pain, whats the difference?
I'll gladly take pain today for healing after in as little as one minute or three months- all depends on the area. But you should to learn the muscles and tendons your working on. I goggle "image" this frequently.
So, how to do it:
1)Foam roller- is for warm up and increased circulation, rarely will it release anything, but still good.
2)Triggerpoint release- is done with small diameter deep tools 15-30 sec at a time. I made something similar to the "knobler". I also use a golfball for lager surface trigger points. I have a book on it, this is all goggle-able too. But the book has it all. I use a "TheraCane" for this too.
3)Myofacial release- is for bigger tight areas and fascia. A true release does not occur till at least three minutes on tight areas, You - tube is wrong in this manner. Shorter time is myofascial massage, not release. I use a golf bal. lacross ball and soft ball. And 5" inflateable kids toy ball.
4)Active Release Technique- I can do a variations on myself. Not nearly as effective if you see a chiro who knows this. Goggle Active Release Technique, you will find the nearest practitioner. The best period for tendons. Nothing else come close.
5)Tissue remodeling. You will prob never again see someone doing this solo. Its even hard to find info online. I have actually done my equivalent of "tissue remodeling" on areas so riddled with adhesions and trigger-points that I had to re-injure the soft tissue until it was black and blue, then active release stretch , then do with grain massage, as I re-strenghthened it. I cant recommend this though as its risky. After this I use any and all anti-inflamitory gells I have LOL.
I started all this with different practitioners who were
open minded enough to help me, and work with me, and teach me (within limitations). Had I relied solely on them, I would be broke $.
I recently tried dry needling (a new rage) from a PT. Didnt work on me. Now she know how lyme can damage muscle LOL.
I have not done acupuncture or Rolfing. I did John Barnes real Myofacial release from a practitioner - did not work well. I do it on my own at times.
So I use all methods above (1-5) in that order till one works on an area.
It takes a while to understand all of this. I learned it in pieces, as no one explained all of the options to me. No professionals do all of it.