Hi, jennydancingfish - CIRS = Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. Generally speaking, you will hear it in context with mold related illness, but it can also be related to post Lyme issues. In a nutshell, what it means is that you do not detox well and need some help. ~ 25% of people have a genetic marker that shows susceptibility to this type of detox issue. Some have an issue towards mold, some to Lyme (and I am sure related bacteria) and some to both of those things. The result is to take a strong binder. Activated charcoal & the like didn't work for me. Luckily my LLMD is also a CIRS doc, so he naturally checked for those issues.
You can find a lot of great info here:
www.survivingmold.comBasically the blood tests check for HLA (the genetic marker), TGF Beta-1, VEGF, VIP, C4A, C3A, MMP-9, MSH, Leptin and others. They also check for a staph infection in the nose called MARCONS.
One of the easiest things you can do is to test your eyes with the VCS (Visual Contrast Sensitivity) eye test. Basically, can you see very subtle patterns in gray on gray? I have failed it every time thus far, and my blood work indicates a problem. C4A is the mold index marker, and mine has continues to be normal, even thru mold season outdoors. So, my issues are seemingly infection related.
When I started CSM binder, my VCS test improved somewhat. When I was on a very low dose of about
4 support herbs my test improved quite a lot. For me, it seems, a binder wasn't enough. I am still missing pieces to the puzzle. Adding in the herbs hopefully will be another several pieces to my puzzle and I would love to see more improvement when I take this test again in a couple of weeks. Although, I imagine it will be up & down for a while longer due to adding and increasing the herbal protocol.
If you want to know if there is a possibility of being in that 25%, take the VCS test. I think you can find them free online, although I paid for a few on survivingmold.com because it gave me a free month to access all of the articles, etc.
Hope that helped... there's a lot to it, LoL