astroman said...
Girlie-"Only problem is you don't know if you're one of the people with Celiac who CAN eat the sourdough not worth the risk."
- yea, I wouldn't want to have that self experiment fail if I were celiac. Must have been some die hard risk takes to figure that out.
Kinda like, "Hey, let this tick bite you and wait to see what happens next week LOL."
Nosila- I'll check that link out
He most likely wouldn't know in a week...
For my son, it would mean intestinal damage resulting in low hemoglobin/ferritin levels before he knew...
he is one of the 'lucky' (NOT) ones who doesn't get stomach upset when he eats gluten.
BUT the sourdough gluten free bread is really tasty. He really loved being able to eat sandwiches..