Posted 10/28/2016 4:24 PM (GMT -5)
Welcome to the October 2016 edition of Life’s Rough, Here’s Some Stuff, the monthly share and tell thread here on the Lyme disease section of Healing Well!
For those you haven’t yet encountered or attended the event and are curious as to its purpose, the series is meant to provoke you into considering that, regardless of the many troubles faced in our lives both in terms of health and areas otherwise, it’s not all bad and that there can be good in this life, if only one is willing to look and/or work for it.
Also, to get you guys to remember that hope, faith, and positivity have value in treating our conditions. See, however unsightly the residence, if at the very least we can keep our minds from residing in the gutter as well, that’s a start.
If you give the negative energies thought, you give them life, and to give them life is to give your ailments more power over your heart, mind, and body than they already possess.
Though, I want to stress that I’m not asking that you deny that the darker sides of reality completely, because that’s just not possible – for anyone, let alone the chronically ill.
I don’t do that. I can’t do that. For example, earlier, I was crying like a baby.
No, all I’m asking is that you try – take note of the good things that still persist in your life, and push for more. They’re out there, trust me. Big or small, there has to be something.
That said, to contribute, share something positive that’s happened in your life over the past month, something that your grateful for, and/or something that you’re hopeful will come in the future!
If you truly feel you have nothing to share, then I ask that you do your best to take note of things in your life that you’re happy for over the course of the month to come, and share next time around.
If I can do it, so can you, trust me. I won’t get into it, but I used to be one of the fiercest opponents to things like hope and positivity. The only form of treatment I’d ever considered was medical – kill the bugs, then I will be positive, then I will be happy.
But, you know, while I do not expect to be cured by just thinking positively, I cannot deny its place in my life.
I’m still crawling forward, because of it.
Anyway, hope to see some contributions!
Love you guys!
P.S. - will contribute and respond later or tomorrow, very busy night ahead.