Hi Nancy,
In 2008 I took 2 doses of 500 mg of Levaquin and all heck broke loose. I just got my papers out from that year to explain my reaction to this antibiotic.
4/7/2008- 4/8/2008: first 2 doses of Levaquin for bronchitis
4/8/2008: extreme anxiety, panic attacks, throat tightening, air hungar, palpitations, tacycardia (160 beats per minute), tremors, chest pain/tightness, insomnia, horrible mucous production
4/9/2008: Levaquin stopped....primary GP notified.....chest xray negative
4/12/2008: emergency room visit: new symptoms now included fluctuating BP (90/42 to 220/160), diarrhea, chills, sweats, flushing, blurred vision, cog fog, derealization, apathy, fatigue/weakness, right sided tingling, shallow breathing with hyperventilation, throbbing heart beat, fasiciculations of LE's, eye floaters, muscle cramps, popping of joints, poor balance, burning skin, HORRENDOUS mucous production, etc.
Blood work was within normal limits (WNL).
All these symptoms are the same as Lyme disease and co-infections.
The biggest mistake I made was taking Xanax to help alleviate the excruciating anxiety/panic attacks but after 8 days of no sleep I succumbed to it for 4 months. The withdrawal and post withdrawal of xanax was as bad as the Levaquin symptoms. Now I am dealing with Lyme's and Babesia which is just another joke on me.
I can't honestly say that is what is happening to you but I thought I had the responsibility to tell you what these fluoroquinolone antibiotics can do to people. There are forums and alot of information about the horrible side effects from these meds. By the way, these antibiotics have been black-boxed for causing tendon ruptures.
Please let us know how you are doing. I am truly sorry that you are suffering so much.
Patty xo