Posted 11/5/2016 7:41 PM (GMT -5)
My son has lyme, babesia, EBV. I have all that and Bart.
He started Mepron last night and was weepy today. Took his dose today and is really bad. Crying, fell to the ground, said he wishes he was dead (he does NOT speak this way) and wants to go into a coma until this is all over. He keeps crying.
I just did a Mepron search and found this below post on something called A-BABS?
1. What IS A-BABS? Who makes it how do I order it?
2. What should I do for my son? Ride it out and stay with him OR take him off Mepron?
LLMD gave it to me too but NO WAY am I taking it. I'm way too sensitive. I need to treat Babs/Bart.
Here is thread I found: Sorry don't know who wrote it.
Primary Provoking Action of A-BAB:
This formula activates the immune response for the management of acute and chronic Babesiosis.
It can be effective with of all forms of Babesia (14 known species) including B. microti and WA-1.
It can be useful against malarial and parasitic organisms.
Secondary Provoking Actions of A-BAB:
Babesia like Borrelia and the other co-infections seldom come alone. Patients with Babesiosis often have opportunistic infections. A-BAB activates the immune system in addressing these opportunistic bacterial strains including Borrelia, Bartonella and Ehrlichia species. This formula also helps the immune system control viral organisms, forms of Candida, some protozoan parasites and malaria. It enables the immune system to recognize, treat and unload these imbalanced opportunistic infections.
Babesia is an aggressive infection that inflames the brain. This results in hypo perfusion of areas of the brains including the hypothalamus, prefrontal cortex and the autonomic nervous system. A-BAB counteracts this circulatory inhibition.
A-BAB has its primary affect on the brain. It decreases inflammation and helps reintegrate brain function. It can revive memory, concentration and problem solving.
A-BAB has a harmonizing effect on the nervous system. It is designed to help insomnia, anxiety, mood instability and restlessness.
This formula can balance serotonin and the other neurotransmitters helping depression, pain and sleeplessness.
This formula has a primary affect on inflammation, cellular congestion and circulatory stagnation. As these metabolic imbalances improve the formula are able to drive deeper into the tissue to help the immune system rid the body of these pathogens and toxins.
Hyper and/or hypotension, racing heart, digestive difficulties, blood sugar changes, increased cholesterol, and liver dysfunction are all Babesia symptoms and can improve with this formula.
The formula has a tonifying effect on the GI tract and liver.
It is an analgesic that helps regulate temperature tolerance and cognitive function.
Restores neurotransmitter balance.
Restores hormonal balance.
The formula revives the hypothalamus restoring temperature, appetite, fluid balance, sleep and pain.
A-BAB reinforces the stability of the autonomic nervous system resulting in improved balance, orthostatic hypotension, heart racing, and bladder and bowel control, among others.
The herbs utilized provide nutrients in a form that are very easily digested. The herbs in this herbal formula provide B1, fatty acids, Vit C, Niacin, iron, potassium, protein, carbohydrates and dietary fiber.
The formula helps the biosynthesis of cholesterol.
Gou Teng: This herb has been used to lower the excitability of the central nervous system. Has been used in Chinese medicine for hypertension, convulsions, headache, dizziness, and apoplexy. It can increases serotonin that can result mood and cognitive improvements, including OCD, IBS, fibromyalgia, depression and anxiety.
Cat’s Claw: The action of oxindole alkaloids make this herb an immune stimulant and circulatory tonic. It has been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, stomach ulcers, gastritis, and eczema and liver disease. Recent studies find that it is useful for relieving knee pain.
Noni: High in antioxidants and polysaccharide component, Noni has shown to release immune enhancing compounds that activate white blood cells. It has antimalarial, anti-bacterial effects and has been reported as limiting tumor growth. Noni has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine activities helping with sleep, temperature and mood disorders.
Sam Bong: High in essential oils (especially camphor) this herb has been used for kidney and heart disease. It his beneficial in removing worms, breaking up kidney stones, boils, pain and high cholesterol.
Neem: This herb's anti-viral, anti bacterial and anti-fungal effects are well documented. There is evidence for its use in pneumonia, ulcers, gout, diabetes, hypertension, skin infection and wound healing. The essential fatty acid content in Neem is high.
Curcuma Xanthorrhiza: This is an immune stimulator that has strong anti-oxidant effects. It is liver protective encourages the production of bile and prevents the formation of gallstones. It has high amounts of the essential oil cinnamalhehyde that has anti-inflammatory properties.
Yarrow: Yarrow has action against fever. It is affective against gram positive and negative bacteria. It relieves inflammation, stops cramps, stimulates the release of stomach acid and improves digestion of proteins and fats.
Start with 1 to 5 drops two times daily in a small glass of water.
Gradually increase or decrease the drops as tolerated by the patient.
The dosing will be individualized in relation to the patient’s response.
Target dose: 15 drops twice daily.
Challenge dose: 20 or more drops in relation to the patient’s response.