Hi All,
Well, here we are with Thanksgiving quickly approaching. It's this week!! ACK!!!
With most of us having Thanksgiving plans - mods included - I would like to ask that everyone chip in to welcome new members (we've been getting a LOT of them lately!!!) and to help ensure that NO posts go unanswered. This isn't as hard as most think.
Even if you don't have answers, you can share your sympathies.
Anyone can feel free to copy and paste from any of my posts, especially to welcome new members and point them to the "New to Lyme?" thread where there is a ton of good and helpful information.
If you've ever had a post go by unanswered for a long while, you know that it's not a good feeling - and it shouldn't happen here! We have a ton of members, and all it takes is a few kinds words, even if you don't have answers for them, to help people feel like they aren't being ignored. NO ONE needs to feel that way on this forum.
And lastly - the reason I say two weeks? Well, because my hubby is supposed to have his knee replaced the Monday after Thanksgiving.
and that means that I will be "living" at the hospital with him for 4 - 5 days. He's on daily warfarin to thin his blood, so they have to be sure that he gets restarted on the warfarin and everything is working well before they release him.
While I will have my tablet with me, there is no guarantee that I will have the brain power to post. It all kind of hinges on how Thanksgiving goes and how the nights go in the hospital. So, I'm asking as a favor to me that everyone stay on their toes, helping out here, while I'm gone. Pretty please?????
And of course, thank you soooo much in advance!! I hate worrying over my friends here when I can't be here to post and help out!
I lied - lastly I want to wish every single one of you a wonderful, peace-filled, gentle Thanksgiving!!!