So I am reading around the Internet after shopping for a few Black Friday Video Games and stumble onto this story: line is he believes:
First, external factors that act upon the body 24/7 are evaluated.
This includes electrosmog, EMF, microwave radiation from wireless technologies, and molds. To test for the presence of mold, he uses the ERMI score, which is a semi-quantitative assessment of how much mold is in your home. The score should not exceed 2. However, most of his patients score between 15 and 20. For more information on mold, Dr. Klinghardt recommends
Once external influencing factors have been determined, they're remediated and mitigated. (For mold remediation, please refer to this previous article.)
To mitigate microwave radiation, Dr. Klinghardt recommends shielding your home with a graphite paint called Y Shield outside, and use special silver-coated cloth for your curtains. These measures will compromise your ability to receive cell phone calls, so depending on your situation, you may opt to shield just your bedroom, or shield your entire home and just use a landline.
All cordless telephones are removed, and patients are instructed to turn off all the fuses at night, until they have recovered from Lyme disease.
Next, the emotional component of the disease is addressed using Energy Psychology tools, including psychokinesiology (PK) which is similar to the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), but more refined and advanced...
Dr. Klinghardt begins the treatment for Lyme disease by addressing parasites, followed by "the Klinghardt antimicrobial cocktail," which addresses the Lyme spirochetes, Babesia, and Bartonella. For more details and complete recipes to all his treatment cocktails, see or send an email to Some of the ingredients in his formula include: wormwood (artemisinin)—which has been found to be extremely effective for malaria—combined with phospholipids; vitamin C, and specific herbs.
Lastly, viruses are addressed using a tincture of Native American herbs called Viressence, by BioPure.
Additional lifestyle factors are also addressed, including diet and vitamin supplementation.
A Word on Antibiotics
Conventional Lyme treatment hinges on long-term use of antibiotics. While this treatment can indeed be effective, there are many reasons to opt for alternatives such as those detailed by Dr. Klinghardt, as antibiotics will disrupt your gut flora, thereby exposing you to a whole host of other pathologies.
So now I ask myself, WHAT????? I am a breath away from buying a Rife Machine or trying a gunshot wound to the head
But just am having the toughest time spending the wife's money on all these herbs and seeing NO benefit and reading of all of us struggling endlessly for year after year after year....Guilt is one thing but my complete loss of use of both legs for over a month now lends me to ask how could it get ANY worse if I just stop taking all these herbs since they haven't helped a bit so far in 3 months (I know, to soon...)
NO I am not giving up just curious about
this atical I read above. I swear the more I study treatments for Lyme Disease, the more all this reminds me of the insanity of treatments to cure baldness. And then I also notice ALL these specialty "Lyme Clinics are ALL run by the same type of doctors. CHIROPRACTORS! All my lights go off in my old brain and I think wow, so they can't drum up enough repeat business for back adjustments so this is even BETTER and we soak everyone for initial $500.00 consults and away we go, then sell them all our "special blend" pills, powders & supplements. I swear, I am REALLY beginning to smell a rat in this field.
I promise I am not discouraged or giving up etc. Just had a bad night with only 1.12 hour sleep again and woke up and saw the above article and think I really don't want to keep throwing all this money at this when I see NO changes....So have to ask what people a whole lot smarter than ME think of all the craziness I read above. And couldn't I just wear a Tin Foil Hat instead of all that expensive specail paint on my house?