Good post Robby.
I admire your no nonsense fact based, get to the point /get to the bottom of things approach. Its so easy for many of us to stay stuck on the hamster wheel of doubt and speculation and I applaud you for being willing to take such serious action instead of just talking and speculating.
As for the protocol they use at sierra, it seems similar to a process used by a clinic in Germany that I read about
following a young girl's experience on her blog who claims to have healed. Seems very immune system focused. They seem to use intermittent ozone, Iv Vit-C, Myers cocktails, Iv Chelation and detox and Even peroxide IVs and the secret weapon is apparently an IV shot or push that is made from a green algae called chlorella considered to be a mitochondrial stimulator. This can be pretty rough and cause some reactions of chills, tremors and fever all of which are considered a good sign (herx). they also do Glyoxal injections daily. In all my research of lyme I have heard of many different treatments but never heard of glyoxal. Apparently this is intended to oxidize microbes like peroxide and ozone would. They continually monitor all of this with darkfield microscopy of the blood.
of course they say that they tailor the approach for each client.
All in all it sounds like a very comprehensive approach.
Seem to be some positive reviews on personal blogs:
She claimed to have lyme for 3 years and and claimed to be in remission after six week treatment and 2 months homecare. She last updated dec 2015. 18 months after treatment claiming to be still in remission.
She claimed to have lyme for 10 years. trying Iv Abx and other methods didnt help.
She documents her 8 week treatment at sierra day by day. She shows herself being pushed around in a wheelchair and then after treatment she has pics of her running and jumping hurdles, finishing her '1st 5k in 10 yrs', and hiking a 30 mile weekend backcountry hike with a full camping backpack. She mentioned going back to sierra for a six month 'tuneup.'
Seems like pretty positive results, at least for these 2.
Very costly as you know. 500 initial apointment, 2000 for labs, 2000 per wk of treatment. If you factor in food transport and lodging, the recommended 6-7 week stay would be around 20,000, plus the cost of follow up homecare
Like you, I didnt find too many negative comments beyond the lady who you mentioned who claimed they drained her 80k savings and gave her son hepatitis because of ozone therapy. These were among the complaints against Dr. Fong's mother who started the facility but has retired. I havent found any complaints against Dr Fong himself.
Very comprehensive and unconventional approach. Daily hands on intensive treatment as opposed to 'heres some meds. Do your bloodwork and I'll see you in 2-3 months" that you get from most LLMD's (including horowiz and jemsek)
I think its definitely worth a shot if you have the $.
As others have said, please do keep us updated on your experiences here Robby. February isnt that long away (Im actually psyched for you and I dont even know you
good luck and godspeed.