While it's not what I used, I recommend Buhner's most - it's well laid out, lots of people do heal on it, and lots of people are using it, so there's lots of people to help and to compare notes with.
You can get a sense of what it entails by having a look at the website set up based on his protocols (not by Buhner himself):
buhnerhealinglyme.com/ If you do choose to use his protocol, I would however highly suggest that you go ahead and get his books. There are 3 main books for treating these infections - one for Lyme, one for Bartonella and one for Babesia. Bart and Babesia books also cover some of the co-infections. They are not very expensive either, around $10 - $15 per book, and the details he gives makes them well worth the price.
For example, in the Lyme book, he goes into great detail on 'extended' protocols to help deal with severe symptoms - plus great detail about
the herbs as well.
This might help you wrap your head around how to proceed. Many very successful LLMD's are now recommending these steps as well:
With the experience that I had personally, and what I've watched others go through, here is what I believe needs to happen for many of us to heal:
a)Detoxing - gene mutations, mold exposure and multiple tick-borne infections can all prevent us from detoxing well, but we must be able to get those toxins out of our bodies. We need to detox by several means daily, as detoxing has a cumulative effect - the more you do, the better your body is at keeping those toxins flowing.
b)Supporting the body functions/systems. We have to have the body working at it's peak performance to heal from something as devastating as these infections. Supporting any gland, organ, body system that is struggling will allow the body to switch it's 'concentration' from just trying to function over to healing.
c) Raise the immune function. Many legitimate Lyme researchers now believe that it's the lowered immune function that determines who gets chronic Lyme and who heals right away. We already know that Lyme lowers the immune function and when a person has Bartonella and/or Babesia, the immune function is further compromised, so to heal we must raise our immune function.
d) Lastly, oddly enough, are anti-infective (abx. herbs, etc.) treatments. Many of us have experienced treatment failures or set backs, so we can see that the treatments aren't the only thing we need to have - there has to be more to the equation, but anti-infective treatments are very important!! Lyme bacteria are one of the most complicated bacteria! Although it takes only hours or days for most bacteria to replicate, Lyme bacteria only replicates in the body every few weeks.
Hang in there!! I know it all seems overwhelming right now, but we can help you see each step, and you want to take things slow. Starting out with low doses, watching for herxing and any possible issues, adjusting the doses slowly and continuing to figure out what's best for each - but you are not alone in this, as you have all of us to lean on for support and for help with information.