Hi Mom of 2, first of all, I'm so very sorry that you have had this experience. Secondly, I actually DO understand your need for more information. The problem? Those studies don't exist, because they don't get funded. What gets funded then?? Studies that prove only the CDC's and IDSA's side. Why? That's something that doesn't have a good answer - yet.
I'd LOVE to see peer reviewed clinical studies done on each and every treatment - but they don't exist. Particularly for alternative treatments for Lyme and co. I just saw a study today done saying that HBOT is NOT a recognized treatment for Lyme, yet may have some benefit. Not that people have healed using it, only that it "may have some benefit". That's not what we need, yet that's all we have.
You won't find any scientific documentation for the difference between a herx and a flare - the IDSA and CDC isn't interested in funding studies on these differences, so we rely on patient experience, and "citizen scientists" to come up with the data. We are left with no other resources, so we 'make due'.
My own experience highlights this. Back in 2007, I started abx treatment for these infections. The LLMD deemed I likely had every single tick-borne infection out there, due to the number and severity of the symptoms I had. Why that way? Because I couldn't produce a CDC positive Western Blot.
The abx treatment was NOT helpful for me, but after having these infections for literally 40 years, it wasn't surprising that I didn't do well, knowing what I know now. I had zero experience with detoxing and supporting my body function, so when I started herxing, it just never ended. Why wasn't I detoxing and supporting my body, because no one knew to do that at that time. So, my treatment failed - big time. I was a LOT worse by the time I finally stopped treatment - against the doctors wishes. He wanted me to continue, yet I knew if I did, I wouldn't survive it. I was completely bed bound, severe physical symptoms, late stage dementia symptoms and more.
I did my research, and I did a LOT. By 2010, I came up with something 'revolutionary' in some ways - I was going to treat solely with herbs. There was only one herbal protocol that made any sense to try that I could find online (Buhner's was not online at the time, neither was Cowden's), so I took it to the Master Herbalist I finally found and she agreed to do a bunch of reading on these infections (directed by me so that they were 'trustworthy' sites) - then she read through what I had asked and made some changes to the herbal protocol and we started in. Neither of us knew what we were doing, but with my own research and hers - I healed a 40 year old set of infections in only 2 years. I had healed and was living life - until my adrenals crashed (due to some heavy stress that lasted over a year) and that's when I got reinfected.
I share this not to 'toot my own horn' but to hopefully help people to understand just how far behind we are, and what we struggle with. We have a serious lack of studies for better testing, a serious lack of funded treatment studies, and a serious lack of help AND acknowledgement from the gov't. As a matter of fact, if someone watches both sides for long enough, it's pretty obvious that the gov't/IDSA is working to show that we don't exist.
Even your case would be poo-pooed for symptoms to suddenly return by the IDSA and CDC studies.
I think you are wise to question everything though - how else do we find the truth when it's hidden (well sort of)? I refuse to jump on band wagons too - and that's wise. That's protecting what health we have left.
I did want to comment on your thoughts about
Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome though, because according to the CDC and IDSA, PTLD has NOTHING to do with an active infection. And this is where I differ with them. It has EVERYTHING to do with an active infection - and this is NOT uncommon to many infections.
When someone has bronchitis, and it's not cleared up within the time frame of the first round of abx, I know for a fact (long time bronchitis sufferer here) that there are no arguments, more abx are given again and again until the infection is gone - not until symptoms settle down. If the person doesn't respond to the abx well enough, it's time for a hospital stay so that they have control over everything to be sure enough abx are given - and they go to stronger abx as well. With Lyme - the person gets one round of short term (14 days) of medicine and that's it - no matter what else happens.
And, let's not forget that they have also changed the rules. There was a conference called the 'Dearborn conference' (
www.ohioactionlyme.org/?p=7) where they changed the rules suddenly.
Okay, I can ramble on and on about
this stuff. I've been involved with Lyme during much of it and have been appalled and disgusted at how this has been handled. The slight of hand to change research studies and to discredit anything that doesn't match up with the IDSA's thoughts on treatment and recognition of these infections has been alarming to be honest.