As a few of you know, I've been having quite the struggle with the standard Candida Diet. I was strictly eating only veggies, meats, eggs, nuts, and oils (olive, coconut, MCT). I was also on some antifungals which were GSE, coconut oil, MCT oil, ACV, Pau D'arco and I was also drinking lemon water with cayenne. I did this STRICTLY for 20 days, roughly.
Despite all of the above, I was not experiencing die off at all, and my oral thrush was getting out of control, I was so bloated that I looked pregnant, and I had the worst constipation that could only be fixed by using laxative tea at night and doing a salt water flush in the morning. I also could feel that I was not digesting... It felt like the food would just sit in my stomach (I tried enzymes but I react badly to them). I was feeling better in a way... But feeling worse in other ways.
I came across some studies and articles which stated that ketones can feed candida as well. Also, after coming to the conclusion that fats were making me feel horrible, I looked into that as well. I read that fats and carbs together are the culprit, which then led me to come across the 80/10/10 diet. Now don't get me wrong, I DO NOT believe in 80/10/10 after reading about
it, but I do think that they are onto something about
the fats!
For anyone who doesn't know what the 80/10/10 diet is about
, it is 80% carbs, 10% protein, and 10% fats. I think I'd die on that many carbs, it actually disgusts me to think about
it! BUT, the idea is that fats are the culprit when it comes to candida and that sugar STILL DO feed candida, but not in the presence of fats. Apparently fats block insulin, causing insulin resistance (which is my problem) and they block our bodies cells from using the sugars that we do ingest. There is much more to this but I won't delve too deep (I didn't save any sources, but it is pretty easy to do a google search on this, it is a very popular diet).
It also occurred to me that fruits are good for our immune system. I know that large amounts of sugar oppress the immune system (processed sugars and other junk), but we still need some form of energy to help with cellular functions and immune function (I know about
the theory behind ketosis as well and the Keto Diet, but I don't like the sound of that either). So I looked into this as well and found these studies:
“After 4 weeks, weight-loss diets that were high in protein but reduced in total carbohydrates and fiber resulted in a significant decrease in fecal cancer-protective metabolites and increased concentrations of hazardous metabolites. Long-term adherence to such diets may increase risk of colonic disease.”“Under energy-restricted conditions, a short-term Low Carbohydrate diet lowered stool weight and had detrimental effects on the concentration and excretion of faecal SCFA compared with an HC diet. This suggests that the long-term consumption of an LC diet may increase the risk of development of gastrointestinal disorders.”"A low carbohydrate diet has been shown to affect white blood cell function as well as the health of intestinal cells. White blood cells, especially neutrophils, engulf candida cells in a process called Phagocytosis. Phagocytosis of candida is an energy-requiring mechanism that is inhibited by an inadequate supply of glucose:"
"It was concluded that phagocytosis was an energy-requiring process in which glycolysis served as the most important source of energy.”
COHN, Z. A., AND S. I. MORSE. Functional and metabolic properties of polymorphonuclear leucocytes. I. Observations on the requirements and
consequences of particle ingestion. J. Exptl. Med. 111:667,1960."The concept of starving candida out of the body, which so many people have adopted, can also be problematic in that starvation is one of the known triggers that causes the normal yeast form of candida to convert to its problematic, pathogenic fungal form:"
“Starvation of yeast cells induces exponentially grown cells (and usually non-germinative) to germinate. This phenomenon is also observed in cells that are transiently treated with metabolic inhibitors. During each of these treatments (starvation, metabolic inhibition), expression of a growth regulatory gene (CGRI) increases. Candida albicans: adherence, signaling and virulence.” Calderone et al. I decided to cut out almost all fats 3 days ago. I'm still getting fats that are naturally in meats and eggs, but I cut out nuts and oils (I still cook with a small amount of coconut oil). I increased my fruit consumption by VERY LITTLE. Mostly I've been eating meats and eggs in small amounts, maybe 25% of my diet, and then 15% fruits (low GI), and 60% veggies.
Well, I have been having MAJOR die off symptoms for the past 2 days. I might be fooled into thinking that this was a flare up rather, but my oral thrush has decreased by ALOT in just 2 days, my bloating has completely subsided and bowels have started flowing again.
My die off symptoms include an increase in acne, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, extreme diarrhea (sorry to be descript
ive, but the loose mucousy kind), horrible gas, among some other lovely things...
I do admit that I feel worse, but if I am experiencing die off... Then that is to be expected. I am also not far enough into this to tell anyone if this is truly working or not. My body could just be playing tricks on me, I hope not!
What was most concerning to me on the Candida Diet was that my digestion COMPLETELY STOPPED. I looked into this as well and found some stuff about
how you MUST be "eliminating" when it comes to winning the battle with candida. I tried everything before adding fruit back in to get my bowels moving again, nothing worked...
I want to be clear though and say that I AM NOT TRYING TO OFFEND ANYONE. I do not know if this is going to work, I could be wrong, I just wanted to share my experience so far. I also believe that candida overgrowth is due to a "weak link" in your body that is INDIVIDUAL AND SPECIFIC to each person! Maybe my weak link is not sugar... I am also not trying to push this on anyone suggesting that they try it themselves.
ANY feedback would be helpful, I am looking for thoughts, opinions, experiences, etc. Thanks for listening!