Posted 1/18/2017 10:34 PM (GMT -5)
Sorry bout your doc ...saw 33 even with a positive test would not treat me.consider dna connexions no doc needed no blood ..very easy ...sounds lyme to me ..they will let you die ...told me my lesions were early ms was lyme ...
here is mitchels rant ..not sure if he is still with us but what a warrior ...
~~~Lyme cannot be treated as a lone entity.
~~~Lyme Disease is a complex disease, and so, Lyme Complex Disease, or LCD, most often with any number of co-infections that must be treated before Bb, Borrelia burgdorferi, or Lyme, one by one, or simultaneously.
~~~LCD knocks your whole
body/mind/spirit out of sight. You need to reballance, and rehabilitate your whole being!
~~~It IS important to realize that each of our needs,
and symptoms, are unique and require our careful and discerning, educated, well read, attention.
~~~And there is no magic cure or magic DR. or magic clinic. And there are a lot of "snake oils" and "snake oil salesmen" out there, so be cautious!
~~~Some find relief or remission from conventional/pharmaceuticals alone or naturals/alternatives such as herbs etc alone or a combination of any.
~~~We each have our own combination lock, code, puzzle, conundrum, or mystery to figure out.
~~~Here is another of the main issues with Lyme Dis-ease...
~~~If you do not see a Lyme Literate Dr, (LLDr), and your tests APPEAR negative,(or positive),they may treat you for whatever symptoms that your symptomology SEEMS to fit.
~~~And in most cases, if you are, or are not being treated for the actual culprit, Lyme Disease, the phantom treatments for mocking symptoms will do almost nothing or nothing at all or even cause more problems.
~~~It can even do damage, such as being treated for MS, which Lyme mocks, with steroids etc that will only intensify the Lyme invasion and wreak additional havoc inside of you and on your life.
~~~Some have even been prescribed surgery, by a non-LLDr for a Lyme mocking "phantom" problem and the surgery, in many or most cases, failed.
~~~LCD can mock 300 dis-eases and exhibit hundreds of symptoms!
~~~However it remains important to carefully rule out other possible problems.
~~~But, let a LLDr do this to save
you many middle steps.
~~~If you are working with, WORKING WITH (as in not blindly following) a Dr, hopefully a LLDr, Lyme Literate Dr, OR only with yourself as your healer, if you so choose for your own reasons, pay careful attention to your reactions to each potential remedy.
~~~If the reactions are too intense, and you are monitoring and comparing them to possible allergic response and...
~~~having carefully ruled out adverse allergic response, as many reactions are the "herx", try trimming down,ramping down, dosages to 1/2 or 1/4, even as much as 1/8 the dosage in some cases, to find your personal, more tollerable, not overly aggressive, therapeutic dosage, and then "ramp-up" slowly and carefully.
~~~And always take probiotics between doses of antibiotics. Two hours before and after dosing are a good rule-of-thumb.
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~~~There is a general consensus to get a superior diet in order.
~~~That is, no junk. Every one with any sense whatsoever knows what that is.
~~~This means no sugary sodas or even diet ones or any carbonated dead beverages. Pure junk!
~~~No processed sugar either. No empty calories!
~~~Only nutritiously dense foods in a wide variety of the rainbow such as fresh mixed sprouts, purple and green cabbage and mixed greens salads, mixed berries,etc.
~~~Mostly if not all vegetarian.
~~~Mostly if not all raw - fresh unheated fruits and vegetables are raw.
~~~Little to no dairy.
~~~Cut out gluten,wheat, rye, oats, bran, if you happen to be gluten intolerant as many Lyme Patients are.
~~~Eat whole grains and brown and wild rice blends, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, etc.
~~~Raw nuts and seeds, (raw, so as not to destroy living enzymes and essential fatty acids,) such as walnuts, almonds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
~~~Beans, such as red kidney, black, garbanzos.
~~~Cooled down to warm teas (under 110 degrees) with some almond milk and a couple of ice cubes etc (not hot,so as not to destroy living enzymes in raw honey and raw choc if added.)
~~~You should be able to hold your finger in it and just feel the warmth, not hot...
~~~Green tea, red (rooibos) tea etc, almond milk, etc, raw honey, raw cocoa powder. Yum!
~~~You could vigorously stir into the warm mix a Tablespoonful or two of some organic chia seed, from health food store, and drink it through a straw, unless you want a chia pet mustache!
~~~You could also vigorously stir in some brown rice protein powder (from "NutriBiotic" and brewers yeast(from "Lewis Labs"-no this is not the yeast that contributes to yeast-growth problems, and is very nutricious and a tasty brand.)
~~~And also some raw maca powder.
~~~I make a mixture in equal amounts of brown rice protein powder, raw maca powder, and brewers yeast and use a couple of tablespoons of this mixture in my breakfast tea.
~~~Plenty of water, between meals, some with fresh lemon, for detoxifying, one simple, of many methods critical for consistently, persistently, clearing toxic load from our bodies. A good rule of thumb for quantity of water to drink is to divide your body weight number in pounds in half, and use that number for number of ounces of water to drink each day.
~~~Go to a healthfood store and get a sprouting kit and make your own mixed sprouts at home in your kitchen.
~~~Try 2 Tablspoons broccoli, 2T fenugreek 10T(5oz) mung sprouting seeds in a half gallon sprouting jar.
~~~In three to five days, depending on the temperature, Winter or Summer, and poof, nutriciously dense food.
~~~They'll keep for a week in the fridge in airtight container.
~~~Leave uncovered overnight in fridge the first night to chill and breath out initial condensate and then cover and leave covered.
~~~Don't rinse on last day to keep on dry side to keep longer in fridge.
~~~Start a new batch some days before they run out to keep a constant supply for sandwiches, salads, etc. Add it to a big mixed greens salad.
~~~Omega 3 fatty acids and fiber rich seeds such as chia (whole or ground) and freshly ground flax-freshly ground flax as the omegas become unstable after some time after being ground, and flax is undigestable whole.
~~~Unheated so as not to destroy vital omega fatty acids and living enzymes.
~~~I use 2 tablespoonsful of whole organic flax seed and grind it fresh in a coffee grinder each time I use it.
~~~I stir this vigorously into 16 ounces, or more,of tepid water 30 minutes before some meals.
~~~I continue to drink more water in between meals away from food for better digestion and elimination.
~~~Drinking liquids with meals only dilutes your food not allowing it to digest more properly.
~~~Drinking this flax/water mixture gives it a jump ahead of meals in order to capture more bile and transport it out of the body, so it is not recycled back into your body, as is what happens to the bile, thus ushering the bile's excess cholesterol and toxic load out of the body.
~~~Your body will readily produce more fresh unpolluted bile.
~~~Flax (as well as chia) also contains essential omega 3s and 6s in a healthy proportion of 3 times more 3s than 6s.
~~~Most diets contain way too many 6s than 3s.
~~~Corn oil has 46 x more 6s than 3s, very bad.
~~~Olive oil has a ratio of 3-6s to 13-3s, very good.
~~~We tend to get way more 6s than 3s, not good.
~~~Your body will convert these essential fatty acids into necessary DHA and EPA. 9See Wikipedia omega 3 fatty acid.)
~~~Organic every thing as much as possible.
~~~No harmful habbits such as smoking etc, or alcohol, which are very bad for many Lyme patients.
~~~Just as an example, out of hundreds of potential remedies, presently I'm doing MMS, for eleven months now, and in alternating days, frequencies, amounts, and combinations,
~~~teasel, samento, venus fly trap, banderol,
~~~smilax, japanese knotweed/resveratrol, andrographis, "Buhner's Herbs from his book "Healing Lyme."
~~~Dandelion and parsley extracts, mangosteen extract, olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract, bromelain, systemic enzymes, nattokinase and switched to lumbrokinase, Graviola, Sangre de Drago, Jatoba (these three are South American rainforest herbs.)
~~~vits, mins, supps, baking soda, superior diet.
~~~And for about a year now 100mg a day or every 2nd, 3rd, or 4th day, week, or month of minocycline.
~~~However, for now, I am only doing the MMS and at one to three drops one to three times a day, even skipping a day or more as I am very ill and for many years, and I think I am doing too much too soon for my level of infection.
~~~However, (update) now, including MMS at five drops properly prepared several times a day and also ten drops properly prepared and administered through my skin and directly into my bloodstream with DMSO, Google it.
~~~I am doing Minocycline, Azithromycin, and Rifampin every day. Rocephin IM, (breaking), Atomidine (hoping to replace Armour Thyroid), HBOT (hyperbaric oxygen treatments, 75 dives and taking a break), Myers Cocktail IV plus glutathione (vits, mins, + glutathione) twice a week, Byron White's A-Bart and A-L (pulsing and ramping up), vitamins, minerals and supplements, coloidal silver, meditation, prayer post thread, yada yada ...
~~~Your symptoms will change, come and go, see-saw, roller coaster, scare you, tickle you, nauseate you, turn you shapes, colors, and sizes, make you laugh, make you cry.
~~~Hold tight. This is some Amusement Park!
~~~This forum is your refuge. We "get" you. USE IT!
~~~And remember, "this is a marathon and not a sprint."
~~~Be the turtle, not the hare. Moving too quickly could be potentially harmful.
~~~Chronic, persistent Lyme Dis-ease can take a very long time to diminish towards remission. It must be approached carefully, systematically, persistently, patiently...
~~~And...Never give up!
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~~~On ramping and pulsing...
~~~When a remedy dose hits too unbearably hard, your dose may be too high, and that is after making certain this is not an alergic reaction.
~~~Take a day or two or three off if you must, until the "Herx" calms down to a reasonably, tollerable manageable, level, and begin again, every other day, or more, if you must, thus pulsing...
~~~Begin at a lower more tollerable dose such as 1/2, 1/4,or 1/8 the dose thus ramping down.
~~~If one more dose hits too hard again, take every other or third day off, pulsing, until you arrive at a more tolerable Herx event level and tolerable therapeutic dosing level.
~~~As your Herx effect lessens over time, begin turning up the volume by adding back some dosage level, ramping up, and then closing the pulsing gaps.
~~~And always take PRO-biotics between doses of ANTI-biotics to re-constitute intestinal flora as ANTI-biotics destroy both bad and good bacteria. Take pro-biotics, starting in your mouth, the beginning of your digestive system, two hours before and after dosing, as anti-biotics clear the stomach and intestines, are a good rule-of-thumb.
~~~Unfortunately, feeling worse before feeling better is par for the course, but is a useful gauge for pulsing and ramping and consistently, presistently, keeping fire under the critters butts.
```````~~~from my straight jacket~~~out on a limb~~~lookin like a cocoon~~~hangin by a thread~~~waitin for a butterfly~~~under the moon~~~Lovey-Dovey, Mitchell~~~
Post edited by: waxby, at: 08/1