Posted 2/2/2017 9:21 PM (GMT -5)
Thank you to everyone. Being new to this forum, I somehow didn't know that I had any responses! I thought I had checked off that I wanted to get an email telling me that I had a response, but maybe I didn't....
Briefly, I am now 60 and I believe I've had Lyme since I was a little girl. I was 6 when I was diagnosed with a heart murmur and I was very sickly until my early 30's. I've had a variety of ticks over the years, had the 'flu' many many times, I have arthritis in my hands, neck, low back, ringing in my ears, floaters galore, brain fog, TMJ, heart palpitations, sensitive to light and sound, stiff necks, muscle aches and pains...........on an off during my whole life.
With all of this, I am exceptionally healthy and feel very good.
A year ago my niece found out she had Lyme, and with each of her symptoms, I said to myself, 'I have that symptom.' I found out last summer through Igenex that I have Lyme.
So I am going to a health professional who I found through ILADS. I go to her because honestly I work soooooo hard to be healthy and feel good, while those around me do nothing and feel healthy and good. I'd like to be able to do less and still feel good. Of course once I got into the whole Lyme thing, I found that I am now actually doing more to feel better and live longer. I'd like to eradicate or lessen my Lyme, yes, that is my ultimate goal. I'm sure it is for all of us. Not so easy though, huh?
If I may share 2 things I've adopted in my life that I believe account for my good health for the last 25 years, it is:
I gave up cow's milk products (I was completely formula fed as a baby)
I do aerobic exercise that I love for at least 30 minutes almost every day. With rare exceptions I have done this level of activity during my whole life.
So now I am wrestling with the lead. Let me explain.
I had a urine collection test over 6 hrs. during the night, and the lead level was low. I took about 10 chelation pills, collected my urine for 6 more hours, and my lead was shy high. So the lead is not roaming around my bloodstream. It is hidden away, most likely in my bones, and the chelation pills drew it out and circulated it in my bloodstream, and then I excreted it out in my urine.
The chelation I'm contemplating is 2 days of chelation pills, then 5 days off. For maybe 5 or 6 weeks? I forget exactly how many weeks. No IV chelation.
My decision is whether to do this and risk the lead going through my 60 year old brain, and measuring that against the risk of leaving it dormant in my bones. I am very protective of my brain, as we all are.
I will investigate every item in every post from all of you, again thank you! If anyone has anything else to add, I'm all ears.