Unfortunately, Lyme patients - particularly chronic Lyme patients - are a group of people that many like to take 'aim' at - ie they like to attack us and our doctors. This is no different than the way AIDS patients were attacked in the 80's. So it's really, really easy to find many articles "taking aim" at either the chronic Lyme patients, or at our doctors. Those articles are much easier to find than articles that support our claims as well. I'm not here to blame anyone - only to help those that recognize they need the help that other doctors can't seem to give.
I've been infected with these diseases for the last 46 out of 53 years of my life - I have received many, many misdiagnosis, have been yelled at by more than a couple of doctors for not 'following them' and going into treatment for some things that would/could have ended my life - all because they didn't recognize that I had long standing, chronic infections - lowering my immune system when they didn't know what they were doing would have allowed the infections to go unchecked throughout my body. So, after having had these infections for 40 years the first time, healing when I finally got effective treatments for Lyme, Bartonella, and Babesia (I got reinfected about
a year and a half after healing the first time, though) - I have zero doubt about
not only what's going on with me - but that there are only a very small number of doctors - in the US or elsewhere - that would have ever recognized my health issues, much less wouldn't have actively contributed to my death, had I agreed to 'follow them' through other treatments for conditions I really didn't match the symptoms for.
The article that you shared, was written by a Pediatrician - with the same attitudes as the ones I was seeing as a child - which is why I ended up carrying these infections for 40 years in the first place. If the patient doesn't fit into one of their nice little boxes that they can easily diagnose, they refuse to consider anything else. I had RMSF at the age of 7 - but because I didn't have the typical rash that accompanies it (even though it's not all that unusual for a patient to NOT have the rash) - I wasn't ever diagnosed properly.
In the article - he calls people like me, people that believe in medical conspiracies - really? I'll just tell you, from my side, it seems he's in on a medical conspiracy - keeping children like I was, from getting a proper diagnosis and treatments. To me, I wouldn't take my child to him for any amount of money that I got paid. Why? Not because he doesn't believe in chronic Lyme (my kids were not infected), but because he is not capable of seeing anything that doesn't fit neatly inside one of those diagnosis 'boxes'.
We do not need narrow minded or closed minded doctors in this time. The "standard" medical issues are no longer. We are seeing more and more medical advances that keep revealing more and more diseases, conditions as well as more and more options for healing. Yet, doctors like that one, can't see the forest for the trees. Why would I take my child to a doctor that won't consider that just because it's something new, it doesn't exist????
From where I stand, having been a very, very ill child with no answers, that had to grow up and enter adulthood as a very, very ill adult - he's the predator. He's the one that will happily take my money to see me/my kids without ever being competent enough to even consider that I or my children could have something that he's not seen before. In terms of science - he still thinks the world is flat. Science changes, and will not wait for any amount of doctors.
So, I would actually challenge you to find and read some "pro-chronic Lyme" articles and see what you may think of them. Find some that are well written and give lots of scientific links.
This is an article that my TCM practitioner used to help her understand what was going on in my body and how to deal with it:
www.acupuncture-atlanta.com/articles/Lyme-Freuhauf.pdf And this is a newspaper journalist that has taken a special interest in covering the truth about
Lyme - there are a lot of articles to choose from, so here is the link to the search that I just did:
/goo.gl/eGEBZ6 I think this one is one of my favorites from that newspaper:
www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/story/news/health/lyme-disease/2016/06/24/archive-chronic-lyme-disease-real/86349798/ as it gives a bit of background on the fight we've had so far.