Matthewa100 said...
Psilociraptor - Yes I am beginning to believe a multi-disciplinary approach is the way forward here
Traveler- Your hubby sounds like a lucky man!
Traveler /Girly - Please don't take offence but how is it you know that you have specific lyme issues?
eg Had Lyme, Bart, Babs, RMSF, Ehrlichia, Myco, Anaplasmosis, EBV
Certainly the labs don't do it so am I assuming it is from the diagnosis of a 'lyme doctor' or are there further sub tests that you did. Again please don't see this as attacking I am interested to know how you got these prognoses.
No problem, Matthewa! We LIKE questions! LOL!
For me, it was something that I had to figure out on my own. I had been misdiagnosed for over 37 years, so I knew that I could no longer rely on "regular" MD's for any help. Someone mentioned they thought I had Lyme disease, so I started reading (this was before I had a computer). It wasn't until I had finally joined this community that I found a LLMD (5 hours away) and I started my very first Lyme treatment.
In his office, that first visit scared the beejeebers out of me! The LLMD (highly respected in his field - and I can mention his name, as he has since passed away - Dr. Edwin Masters) that I saw, told me that I likely had every tick-borne infection because of the number of and the severity of my symptoms. But, he treated solely with pharma abx, and my body was just not very appreciative of that, so I stopped treatments after a year. It was at that point in time that I received my fully CDC positive test for Lyme and for RMSF. I had symptoms of RMSF at the age of 7 and I was then 45 yrs old.
I started looking over all of my older medical records, and began to see that many things were "off" in my regular labs testing for many years, but that it also kept changing. There were times that both my RBC and my WBC were low, there were times when they were both quite high - there were times I was quite anemic and times where it was just fine, and so on. So it was clear to me that something really odd was going on.
I also had realized that I had had nearly every single Lyme, Bartonella, Babesia, RMSF symptom, once I started researching.
So, for me it was a matter of critical thinking and not just relying on testing and what doctors that didn't even believe Lyme was a serious thing.
And thank you for your kind words about
me and my hubby.
That little period of being healed only lasted for about
a year, then my adrenals crashed taking my thyroid down with it after some really bad family stress, and it was at that point in time that I also got reinfected...... and I've been back in the fight ever since.