Purrrsiankitty said...
Yes, sounds to me like the ultimate detox. Wish I would sweat. I got a great detox tub, hopefully that will do the trick.
I didn't mention in the original post that before these even happen, I feel a rush, almost a feeling like a rollercoaster ride, and at the same time, a very strong despair feeling. It's short-lived, thankfully, then the heat sets in.
This made me think, because its very familiar sensation, though not very often short lived.
Earlier I was just thinking hot spots, very localized small area, but I started radiating heat too. Like hold my hands up maybe 10" apart, palms facing and feel the heat between them. Hands and arms seem to be the most common areas for me. Or the bottoms of my feet.
Odd I thought, for me. I have not been the walking furnace like someone else I know. All I can think at those times is "goody, maybe I'm burning extra calories". lol. (amped up metabolism)
The mental part of it though, IDK if it's like your's. It may start with an odd, unstable adrenaline rush but rather than despair, I feel dread.
Many many times through this infection I have thought myself that I figured as an adult I would no longer have to deal with the feeling that I was 'bringing home a bad report card to my parents' kind of foreboding.