Posted 2/26/2017 12:18 PM (GMT -5)
I've been on Rifampin and azithromycin since mid December but have had Bart for a long time. I've been noticing that some days feel like mood swings which can only be described as bipolar disorder where one day I am euphorically happy then the next day I feel miserable! And by miserable I mean my mood, not physical symptoms.
This has lessened over time but now I still keep having these euphoric, ridiculously happy days; they're just not followed by miserable feeling days. And I know they're not just my symptoms improving and I feel happy, but it's feels "euphoric" to me because I've been sick for so long. No, I'll have genuinely good days where I feel healthy, happy but focused. Like I'll be able to get whatever I need done and think about what else I can. I feel focused.
When I get this euphoric feeling, it's like I'm in a haze. Like i'm in a dream, and in fact I do daydream a lot when it happens and even though I have things to do (like school work) I'll put it off and just walk around smiling for no reason. Like the closest thing I could compare to is if you've ever gotten high Except I'm not sleepy, I'm energetic, bouncing off walls but can't land anywhere productive.
I mentioned it to my doctor a few times and he looked confused. Like he doesn't understand what i mean by euphoric (but understands when i say mood swings). The closest thing I've found that it could be is depersonalization/derealization but all the descriptions say you feel empty, un-energtic, apathy. That's not how I feel.
Has anyone else experienced this? Did it go away?
*and please no jokes like "oh and it least you feel happy!" I'm not happy, i feel drugged and if it's not bartonella then it must be something else.