Lostcoast said...
Careful. Cannabis can cause extremely uncomfortable anxiety sometimes. I have lived my whole life in the cannabis center of the world. Living in northern California I have grown and used cannabis my whole life. Until I got Lyme disease. My body is too sensitive now, and even small amounts cause uncomfortable tachycardia.
Smoking is easier to control. Take a hit, wait a few minutes and see how you feel.But be very careful when you eat it because it can take up to an hour for the effects to come on. If you eat too much your going to be stuck being too stoned for a long time, like 8-10 hours.
Personally, I like Valarian, and/or hop tea for help sleeping.
Again. Be very careful eating cannabis. Once you ingest THC, you are committed to riding out the effects, which can last a very long time. Smoking or vaping is much better for beginners.
I tried some edibles while on a trip to Colorado with the hope I would find some calm and some sleep but whoa!
I was hyped up for days, my heart racing and I felt like my insides were shivering. It was bad.
I was so disappointed lol. Another weird is alcohol, BL it was fun now not only do I not get buzzed but it hurts like heck for days. I guess party days are over?