Traveler said...
Hi VCL! I'm hanging in there! How are you doing today?
I started a new herb yesterday (JK) and I herxed on one drop! LOL! Oh, boy, this is going to be a long road. LOL!
Since I've had so much time to figure out what I feel with my feet (lol!), I have what feels like walking on broken glass/tacks, tingling, burning, muscles cramping, and can't forget that railroad spike that feels like it's 3 inches deep in my left heel.
Funny thing is I discovered something by accident!! I tried using Theives oil on my feet. I was thinking it would help with detox, but it literally took the railroad spike feeling away!! Now, I've used it a second time, last night as I was getting ready to fix dinner and knew I would be on my feet for at least an hour. Usually this means I'm barely able to walk because the pain radiated up my leg when I have to stand like that - but last night, I was able to fix dinner and walk normally!!! <-- not my usual way!!! ![smile](/community/emoticons/smile.gif)
I'm not sure just how it's helping, but at this point, I'm not going to question it too much! LOL! Just accepting and grateful that it does.
From what I've read here Trav JK sounds tough. Good luck with it.
I'm dragging girl, started a two week pulse of Ceftin and woof, I can't like it lol.
I'm turning up the detox and doing every one of them to power thru. But before you say it ..... if I can't do it I'll back off.
My feet don't really have pain, it's a constant aware of them I guess. I told the doc I was tender footed, I'd walk around on the balls of my feet in the beginning. So I guess that's hurt?
I love all things thieves, I'll try the oil on my feet and see if it quiets the nags a little. I wish I could put the oil in my ears and stop the incessant ringing and buzzing in them!