Posted 3/6/2017 1:50 PM (GMT -5)
Thank you everyone, PeteZa, traveler, July, creative, Girlie, et al, for humoring me on my questions about all of this. I really appreciate your support.
My most bothersome symptoms in descending order are: debilitating fatigue, insomnia, agitation / wired. I'd call it anxiety but it feels organic in origin. Sure, I've had anxiety before, like the night before I took my comprehensive exams for my degree but this is different. It's a gnawing sensation. That's the best I can describe it. If I wasn't so fatigued, I could manage it with exercise but that just makes everything worse. I feel trapped.
Does that symptom cluster indicate which infection is dominant? (see my signature)
In the old thread creative asked (sorry if tmi)
"Black Jack Davey - How many drops of A-bab? Maybe your dose is too high?"
I started too fast with the a-Bab and backed down. I could feel it at 1/2 drop but just tolerable. After 7 days at 1/2 drop however, the agitation intensified, brain fog worsened, sleep worsened. Clearly a herx. A week ago today, I saw my naturopath and he recommended that we discontinue the a-Bab. He doesn't want me uncomfortable.
I've been waiting to start a new formula he gave me and I will start today. He said it's well tolerated even by children. I can't find much of anything about it in my searching. It's "kw Botanicals" Lyme Glycerine formula. Ingredient list is: fraxinus, uncaria, rhodiola, smilax, artemisia, gentiana, bupleurum, usnea, quassia, mahonia, althaea, paeonia, Gardenia, glycrrhiza, anemone. I'm spozed to take 2 droppers full 2x/day. He said start at 1/2 dropper but maybe I should do even less?
As for my herxheimer reactions what do you make of this? While on doxycycline 200 MG 2x/day, artemesinin 400mg 1x/day, herx reactions were minimal. I actually started feeling a bit better. Introduction of the a-Bab made symptoms worse. What I can't understand, is how could a die off and herx begin 10 minutes after taking the formula?
More questions:, is it safer to Hit bart with abx since it supposedly doesn't release toxins during die off?
It seems like some llmd's want to spend some time preparing you for antimicrobial treatment before launching in. He wants to get you more comfortable first so that antimicrobial tx won't be as gnarly. The guy I'm considering switching to does that. He's the 2nd doc in this interesting article :
Has anyone here found success with that approach?
My free testosterone is low, though total testosterone is in range. Maybe bhrt would be helpful? I realize most of y'all are females, but has anyone found success using bioidentical hormones?
I'm doing daily epsom baths with peroxide, hydrating with lemon water, and a tsp of acv daily. Gonna try another coffee enema today. Do any of you do those? If so how often? I sporadically use byron white detox 2, a powder formula with clay and herbs.
I've been real sick since September. In October, my ND started treatment assuming I had cfs. Before we knew it was Lyme & Co, I'd done 6 iv vitamin c Meyers cocktail treatments, cleaned up my diet to eliminate all processed foods, sugar. Taking a ton of supplements, including methyl b12, and b6, nac, carnitine, etc. I've been trying like heck to normalize my sleep but that remains frustrating. All habits that carry over to lymeco therapy. Sleep remains inconsistent. My comfort level would increase exponentially if I could get back to even 7 hours a night consistently. When I get a good night sleep I'm thrilled and hopeful I've got the problem solved only to be met with rebound insomnia.
Have any of the buhner herbs helped anyone with stubborn insomnia?
Best Regards,