Loutucky said...
Girlie, I am on day 45 of babs treatment and only 26 days of one malarone pill twice a day. I am also taking azithromycin and artemisia. My doctor wants me to add in two more malarone pills for a total of 4 a day and Ceftin for lyme. Not now, no way.
I have had about four good days. I am herxing awful with every babs symptom and ones I have never had. Detox really is not helping much. I wish I had known babs was a player five years ago. Tremendous suffering right now.
Sorry to hear about
the brutal herxing. Hopefully it subsides soon.
It would probably be a good idea to increase the dosage as you can tolerate it (but ya don't push yourself too much)
The recommended dosage of Atovaquone for Babesia is 750mg twice a day (BID), for a minimum of 5 months. Some doctors recommend dosing even higher.
This recommendation is for the liquid form (Mepron), which is absorbed twice as well as the solid Malarone.
Currently you're on 250mg BID of the less readily absorbed Malarone.
You're definitely doing the right thing starting slow, but your doctor is right in wanting to increase the dosage. Even at 4 tablets per day of Malarone, you're still under what a full Babesia dose should probably be.
Also, can't remember if this has been gone over, but make sure you're taking the pills with lots of fat... 30 - 50g with each dose. If you're not taking the fat with the medication, you're not absorbing much of it at all.