julymorning said...
Girlie said...
Psilociraptor said...
Do you have a tabby by chance? Mines very doglike too. She follows us and the dogs around all the time and sleeps with one of my dogs all day. Never taught her any tricks though.
Silly sheep that would be great. I recently caught myself wondering why I believe certain things about Lyme so I've been trying to save the literature. I think at some level what the chronic Lyme crowd says just makes more intuitive sense but I like to have the studies to prove it. Especially if they come out of Wormser LOL
Well, he's orange...and a few stripes...not sure if you'd call him an orange tabby. He has a white bib.
This should be past tense - he died last year suddenly. Was in excruciating pain one night...and paralyzed back legs.
Vet said he had a blood clot travel down his back and blocked blood flow to both hind legs.
He had to be euthanized.
:'( Heartbreaking when we lose part of our fur kids.
He sounds like he was trying genetically to be a red bi-color tabby.
Speaking of tabbies, I stopped off and visited Tiger and her 3 babies today. Doing and looking great! They're about
4 weeks old now. Tiger immediately recognized us and cried "OUT", in that plaintive whiny cat voice.
Tabbies are great talkers.Aww...4 weeks old....sweet little babies!