Roberts - I posted a link to the guidelines in my post. (ILADS) you click on that link above and then scroll down to this section:
Diagnostic Hints and Treatment Guidelines for Lyme and Other Tick Borne Illnesses:
by Joseph J. Burrascano Jr., MD
and click on the link Download Guidelines - it will take you there - just a different way to get there.
If you read what you quoted in your post - "The only U.S. guidelines in compliance.....are those established in 2015 by the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Societ (ILADS).
So, the ones to follow are the ILADS guidelines.
The IDSA guidelines were removed.
To answer your question: advising stronger /longer treatment - based on both experience and established guidelines. The guidelines were compiled by Dr. Joseph Burrascano - he is an experienced Lyme Literate Dr. who had lyme disease himself.
Time and time again, we have people coming here who were undertreated...and are now having to treat chronic lyme.
The bacteria becomes persistent and harder to treat once it's left too long.
If you're going to treat for 3 weeks, why not treat for 6 or 8 weeks. A few more weeks is better than the risk of chronic lyme developing.