Hi Ryman, welcome to our community!
I'm glad you have found your way here (sorry you have Lyme disease, though)
Be prepared for the Neurologist to say you've been sufficiently treated...and don't have Lyme disease anymore.
(Unless she is a Lyme Literate Neuro)
Testing can not be relied on - only symptoms.
Are you interested in finding a LLMD? We can help with that.
Start a new thread titled: "Looking for LLMD in/near______" and fill in the blank.
Then enable your email option so members can send you names privately. We don't post the names on here - for privacy reasons - we need to protect our Dr.'s.
You can also email me and I will look at my list and see if I have a LLMD in your area. Just click on the envelope under my screen name on the left.
Also - you can contact ILADS for LLMD names.
ilads.org/ilads_media/physician-referral/We encourage all of our new members to read through the thread at the top of the page titled: "New to Lyme?..Start Here!' It's packed full of useful information...
May I ask what other 'things' you are being treated for? I hope it's not an autoimmune disease and they've put you on steroids.
Steroids will suppress your immune system...and this can cause the lyme bacteria to flourish..you don't want that!