I agree with PeteZa, it's collagen that's needed, as it's one of Borrelia's favorite foods, so we end up needing more. The other thing it can be is ACA (Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans), a late stage symptom of Lyme. Then it's just healing that needs to happen.
I use a light amount of coconut oil on my skin (and hair and for oil pulling and so much more!), and it really has been helpful. Nothing 'bad' going on my skin that way, since the skin absorbs everything.
Psoriasis is something different, and if you think you may have that, then we can change this conversation to that. Here are some pictures of each:
First the ACA:
/caudwelllymedotnet.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/aca1.jpg?w=1000www.danderm.dk/atlas/pics/8/8-43.jpg This is a really good collection of ACA rash photos, and 2 really good photos of livedo (dark netted pattern that can show up on the skin):
/goo.gl/oaMUrR In looking for good pictures to share, I came across these (middle of the article) :
jemsekspecialty.com/lyme-disease-symptom-complexes/ and here it says that this is the ACA rash, but that is
exactly what my feet and hands look like, and it responds to nothing other than a specific brand/strain of probiotics - the one that treats psoriasis, so I would contend that this is NOT likely ACA, but psoriasis instead.
This is a good site if you feel that you may have psoriasis (it has pictures!) as it has several different types of psoriasis explained (and it has pictures!): https://www.psoriasis.org/about
As PeteZa pointed out (below) this link has to be copied and pasted into a new window/tab as the site does NOT want us linking to it in forums. Boy, I hate that!!!! Grrrr!!!!